Noodles or death

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"Looks like I made too much" Yue counted 10 mini cheesecake trifles as she gave one spoonful for Shadow to see if he likes it. "Well shadow, what do you think?" Yue asked when he took a bite out of it, his eyes went wide.

He took another bite making Yue chuckled at the cats reaction. 'Holy shit, this is really good, she really knows how to cook, she'll definitely make a great wife someday' Shadow thought to himself as he finished his spoon. "You must've really love my cooking huh?" Yue says giggling at the cats mood and then she looks up ahead and gasped as she saw someone familiar up ahead. "Ao Bing!" Yue shouted and quickly ran towards him leaving the cat who made a jealous growl in his mouth. Aobing heard a familiar voice as he turned around and saw Yue, "hey, Yue." He said with a smile and waved at her but was surprised when Yue hugged him as he slowly hugged her back as the two were having a moment.


The cat meowed and the two looked at the cat who looked irritated and the Yue realized the situation she quickly lets go of Ao Bing and fakes coughs with a blush on her face along with Ao bing as he had a flustered face. "Hehe, sorry Shadow. I'll get you some food be right back." Yue said as she about to head straight to the kitchen. "Do you want something to eat?" Yue asked.

"Anything is fine just surprised me" Ao bing answered as she went to the kitchen while she was away, the cat and Ao bing had a silent glare off. "What are you doing here demon?" Ao bing asked glaring at the cat and the cat laughed. "I should asked you the same thing. I mean after all, you are supposed to be dead." The cat demon said with a smirk, making Ao bing's blood boil. "Stay away from Yue!" Ao bing whispered to the cat demon so Yue won't hear him. "Funny. I was going to say the same thing. Stay away from my Yue." The cat demon said and their glare harden. "I'm back!" Yue called out to him and noticed that the boys are still glaring at each other. "Are you boys having a staring contest? That's so cute." Yue said as she came with 2 mini cheesecakes and some grilled fish for the cat, she picked the cat up and placed him on her lap and started petting him.

As Ao bing's stomach growled and looks away with an embarrassment look. "Sorry" he says causing Yue and the demon cat chuckles. "Good thing I have the cure for your hungry belly" Yue says as she gave him a mini cheesecake. Ao bing's eyes widen. "Woah! Did you make this Yue?" Ao bing asked while looking at the mini cheesecake and then at her as Yue nodded. "Yep, I made them before I left my apartment." Yue said to Ao bing who looks at her in awe and then takes a bite and his eyes lit up.

"Delicious! This is delicious!" Ao bing said with stars in his eyes and Yue couldn't help but giggle. 'cute' sh thought to herself while the cat demon rolled his eyes in annoyance. "I'm happy you like them that much Ao bing." Yue said as Ao bing finished his mini cheese cake. "I must say, whoever marries you will be one lucky man" Ao bing said causing Yue to blush as the cat demon thought about Yue being a wonderful house wife. "M-m-m-married! That won't happened for a long time! If I find someone, I want him to promise me to always love me and never leave me alone. Besides my uncle's would flip if I get a boyfriend." Yue said with a red look on her face making Ao bing chuckled at Yue's flustered expression. "Hahaha! Sorry, I didn't mean to make you flustered." Aobing apologized, as he noticed a sad look on Yue's face. "What's wrong Yue?" Ao bing asked ordering what's on Yue's mind.

Yue didn't answer and getting worried, Ao bing went up to her and placed his hand on her shoulder for comfort. "You know I was just messing around right?" Said Ao bing as Yue sighs and nodded that she knew what he was talking about. "I know it's just that, when I think about it just..... brought up some old memories" Ao bing was confused at what Yue said, he and the cat couldn't help but wondered the same thing, 'old memories?' And before Ao Bing could ask someone called out to Yue. "Yue!"

Monkey Queen (Yue and friends)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz