The Car

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I put my cold fingers over the air vents to try to warm up. He pulls the blanket tighter around me. I smile at the gesture. The curl that dangles in front of his face always does something to me. I love when his hair is wet. As good as it feels to be out of the cold rain and now in the heat, I always dread when he has to drive me home, but the best part, is the kiss at the end.

I always get a little nervous when I see him turn the corner to my street. When he parks the car, I feel him grab my cheek, I feel tingles from his touch.

"Of course I turn you're head from the sky." We both laugh as he pulls me in for a kiss. I swear sometimes when we kiss, it always feels like the first time. How gentle he is with his movements and how perfect our lips move together. I feel lost when he slips his tongue in a little. This almost feels like it's not real. I hear the beautiful melody again and it almost feels like a dream. I move closer to him, I don't want to let him go.

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