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An owl is perched on a street sign that reads "Privet Drive". The owl flies away and reveals an old man with white hair and a long white beard dressed in robes as he steps out of the darkness and into the streets lit by street lamps. He pulls out a small device that resembles a lighter and opens it only for a flame to not come out but for the light in the lamps to be sucked in. One after the other he turns out all the lamps with this strange device. Once he has finished he shuts the device and turns towards a meow to find a silver tabby cat sitting near one of the houses.

"I should have known that you would be here... Professor McGonagall." The old man says to the tabby. Suddenly the tabby stands and begins to walk towards the old man and between one step and the other it changes from a silver tabby cat into a woman with glasses and a tall pointed hat.

"Good evening, Professor Dumbledore." The woman, Professor McGonagall, addresses the old man. She walks to stand beside him and together they begin to walk down the street. "Are the rumors true, Albus?" Professor McGonagall asks Professor Dumbledore.

"I'm afraid so, Professor." Professor Dumbledore begins. "The good and the bad."

"And the children?" McGonagall asks with worry.

"Hagrid is bringing them," Dumbledore explained.

"Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this?" McGonagall addresses her fears. Dumbledore turns to her and they stop in the middle of the street.

"Ah, Professor, I would trust Hagrid with my life." He pushes her fears aside.

Suddenly the sound of a motorcycle is heard in the distance and both professors turn to see a bright light descending from the sky. A flying motorcycle lands in the streets with a large bearded man riding it. He has a large sling around his body carrying something. He takes off his goggles to show that he has a very visible soot line around his eyes.

"Professor Dumbledore sir. Professor McGonagall." He greets the professors who are standing in front of him. He gets off the motorcycle being extra careful with the sling.

"No problems I trust, Hagrid?" Dumbledore addresses Hagrid like an old friend. Hagrid walks over to the professors.

"No, sir. Little tykes fell asleep just as we were flying over Bristol." Hagrid cradles the sling and begins to pull whatever is in it out. "Try not to wake them." He says as Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall grab one of the things out of the sling. "There you go." It is then revealed that in the sling were two babies—one a boy and the other a girl who look almost identical in everyday. The boy had dark brown, almost black hair while the girl had longer brownish red hair.

Suddenly Professor Dumbledore, holding the baby boy, looks behind Hagrid distracted by a person walking out of the shadows and onto the street.

"Professor Snape." He greeted the crooked-nosed man with raven hair.

"Professor Dumbledore." The man says only addressing Dumbledore and simply looking at the other two who stand there.

"I assume you are here to see them off as well?" Dumbledore asks.

"I simply wanted to see the girl one last time." He explained. Professor McGonagall looks at Dumbledore in confusion about if she should allow Snape to hold the baby girl and he gives her a nod. She walks up to Snape and hands him the baby girl who has now woken up slightly.

"Gently now," McGonagall warns Snape as he cradles the baby girl. Her e/c eyes opened slightly to look at the man holding her. Then, cooing softly, she fell back asleep. Snape's breath hitched at the sound and sight but quickly he regained himself. This baby in his hands was one of the last things that would be around to remember the one true love of his life and she was about to be sent away. Snape had to try hard to regain his unimpressed mask and gave the baby back to Professor McGonagall. "You may continue to hold her, Snape, it's really no problem," McGonagall told the man. Snape shook his head and McGonagall took the baby girl back.

"No, I am not here to become attached," Snape actually didn't know why he was there in the first place. Was it guilt that brought him there? Was it a lingering hope to create a sort of connection with the children of the girl he loved? Or did he just wish to find a sense of acceptance in the situation by seeing the children? Whatever the reason was he was there. Snape watched as Professor McGonagall walked back to Dumbledore and they walked to a nearby house with Snape and Hagrid trailing behind.

"Albus, do you really think it's safe, leaving them here with these people?" Professor McGonagall begins to address her worries, leaving Snape and Hagrid completely forgotten about. "I've watched them all day. They're the worst sort of muggles imaginable. They really are-"

"The only family they have." Professor Dumbledore interrupted her.

"These kids will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know their names." McGonagall explained as they stopped at the door of the house.

"Exactly, they are far better off growing up away from all of that." Dumbledore paused. "Until they are ready." He looks at the boy in his arms. Together Professor Dumbledore and McGonagall placed the babies on the steps of the house. Hagrid sniffs, finally breaking at the sight, and clears his throat. Dumbledore looks back at his friend. "There, there, Hagrid. It's not really goodbye, after all." Hagrid nods and sniffs again while Snape just stares longingly at the babies who sleep on the steps of the house. Dumbledore turns back to the babies and Hagrid wipes his tears. He leans down and places a letter that says, Mr. and Mrs. V. Dursley. 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surry, on the babies who sleep so soundly then he stands back up.

"If I may Professor," Snape begins and they all turn to him. "I wish to give them this." He holds up two necklaces with rings on the end of them. "They were their parents." He explains.

"Very well," Dumbledore says and all three of them stand to the side as Snape places the necklaces on the babies and pauses to stare at them a little longer. He considered keeping the rings but by giving the children the rings he felt a sense of connection to them. His heart twinged a bit and he quickly stood up and then stepped back into the street to disappear. The remaining three turn back to the babies a little perplexed by the ordinarily cold professor's attitude but more focused on the task at hand.

"Good luck... Harry and Y/n Potter." Dumbledore says, revealing the names of the babies, and stares at the identical wounds on the babies' heads.


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