Finally, cadets never under any circumstance willingly wander off alone. They are always with their batchmates or with another clone at all times. It’s dangerous to travel alone on Kamino due to the fear of a batchmate disappearing. He's heard horror stories of clones disappearing from their batch after traveling alone never to be seen again. He will never forget the night back when he was a young cadet when he was eating dinner with the rest of Domino Squad, he overheard the table next to him, Gamma quad, were absolutely freaking out because they couldn’t find their batchmate Patches. 

Fives had only met Patches, once for a short time when they had a combined training session. After a long rigorous sparring match, the boys all began to take their shirts off, that's how they learned how Patches earned his name. All along his arms and a bit on his stomach he had small chunks of lighter skin, much lighter than the standard tanned skin of all the clones. He proudly showed them off to the group stating how they just randomly started to form and during the rest of the training session all the clones marveled at his uniqueness. While the clones were admiring their brother, Fives happened to notice two Kaminoans whispering to each other off to the side. Gamma squad told Domino squad that after training, Patches went off to use the fresher, while the rest of the group went to the lounge to rest. Patches never showed up to target practice later that day, or for their Military history class. They searched all over enlisting the help of three other squads to help with the manhunt, Patches was never found, it was as if he never existed. It wasn’t hard to figure out what happened to Patches … 


Gamma squad never recovered from losing their brother. 

From that day forward Fives always traveled with Echo everywhere, no exceptions. Of course, he traveled with his other batchmates to keep them safe, but Echo was always top priority. The two became inseparable, to this day they still walk with each other out of habit, still having lingering fear that if one goes off alone they will never see each other again. 

There was something definitely at play here and Fives was gonna get to the bottom of it, but first, he had to help the scared, injured cadet that cowered in front of him. 

“Stay here,” Fives whispered to Echo, “I'm gonna try to move in closer.” 

“Be careful Fives!” 

“Of what Echo the kids scared half to death, plus I don’t think he has much fight in him.” Fives hated himself for saying that last part. Every clone trooper he's ever met had that cocky, fighting spirit in him, but this young cadet just looked so defeated like all the fight in him was stripped away a long time ago.

Fives slowly inched forward, and the cadet let out a small whimper. “Hey it’s okay we're friendly, see watch” He slowly motioned his hand to his other equipped blaster and promptly threw it off to the side, he turned to Echo who caught on and did the same, sliding his blasters off to the side and raising both his hands in the air.

“See friendly,” Fives said, giving off a soft smile, which seemed to loosen the kid up a little bit. Good, that's good, progress Fives thought. 

He inched forward a little closer. 

When he was a couple of feet in front of the cadet he rested on his knees, “I’m Fives, and that's Echo,” Echo did a little shy wave from the distance “what's your name trooper,” he asked softly with another small smile. 

The cadet looks a little hesitant to answer, but after a bit of silence a timid voice finally pipes up “I’m Omega”. 

Fives heart breaks at the fear that was in the cadet's voice. He advances closer to Omega, careful to not make any fast or sudden movements wishing to not scare the cadet.

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