Part 4

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A couple of days passed and another Toman meeting was fast approaching. To mark the beginning of spring, Mikey wanted Takemichi and Draken to accompany him to get some dorayaki and that only meant one place to go. Mikey walked in front, his head held up high, hands in his pockets as he lead the way. From the awkwardness that was their first face to face encounter, Takemichi would have thought Mikey would be somewhat pissed at someone yelling at him, even if it was a cute girl. Now he was walking to her place of work without a care.

Watching from the bakery window, Akemi winced upon seeing Mikey walking towards them. "That bastard has the nerve to show up here without even apologising for what he did," She growled turning around to see the owner's daughter working on packing some delivery orders.

"Is this the boy you yelled at?" The daughter, Saki asked. She grinned, closing the box before taking a peak out of the window to see Mikey and his childlike smile approaching. "Oh he's pretty cute," she snickered, her eyes scanning Mikey's jacket, taking note of the symbols on the sleeves.

Akemi growled, pulling Saki away from the window by the back of her shirt. Saki couldn't help but laugh, finding it cute how embarrassed her dad's favourite employee was around a boy. "Yahoo," Mikey called out, ringing the bell as he made it to the window. The women looked to him, Mikey's childish grin not having left. Saki patted Akemi's shoulder with one hand, waving the other in a curved motion to encourage Akemi to give her best customer service. Akemi begrudgingly gave a smile as she turned to Mikey to serve him. "One dorayaki please," he asked for happily.

"Coming right up," Akemi said, trying to sound as happy as she could. She grabbed a paper bag, stuffing it with the second to last dorayaki in the display case. She glassed through the glass, noting far behind Takemichi and Draken were waiting for Mikey to return. Though for some reason, Takemichi looked rather nervous. Choosing to ignore it, Akemi sighed, she reached over the glass to hand over the dorayaki, Mikey already putting, what she assumed was the money, on the plate. "Please come again."

"Thank you dorayaki girl," Mikey waved as he ran off, gripping his dorayaki tightly.

"My name isn't dorayaki girl," Akemi cried out then looked to the change plate and noticed rather then cash, it was hard candies. "And this isn't money!" Behind her, Saki had started to howl in laughter, repeating the name 'Dorayaki girl' in between breathes. Akemi sighed heavily, scooping the candies into her hand, the anger in her face melting away as she noticed the flavours. "Strawberry and cream flavour? There's also caramel too."

Saki took a couple of deep breathes, finally calming down. She couldn't help but smile, Mikey must have truly been sorry; being able to know what Akemi's favourite candies were. That or Mikey was truly luck. She saw Akemi put them into her pocket, a slight tint of pink in her cheeks before she looked up to the other boys who stood far back. "Hey, which one of you is paying for his dorayaki?" She called out.

Without missing a beat, Draken took the opportunity to casually walk away leaving Takemichi to fork out the money. "Think she liked them Kenny?" Mikey asked as Draken had caught up to him.

"From the look on her face," Draken started to say. "I'd say she liked the surprise. Though may want to remember to pay for the dorayaki next time too."

"Oh yeah, whoops," Mikey had seemed to genuinely forgotten to pay. Though the sentiment of what he wanted to do was there in his actions.

"Please don't leave me to pay next time," Takemichi panted, having ran to catch up to the pair.

"Thanks for bailing me out, Takemichy" Mikey grinned. "I don't want to make Dorayaki girl any more pissed at me then she was."

Takemichi hung his head low, whining to himself as he followed him leader like an obedient puppy. Mikey truly seemed like he was becoming smitten with this girl. All over free dorayaki. "Why do you even like this girl?"

Mikey hummed, looking up tot he clouds as Draken stared from down from the corner of his eyes, waiting the answer. "It took a lot of nerve to stand up for herself like that," he answered, thinking back to how Akemi threw the cup to the floor. "But also a lot of restraint to not hit me." That had Takemichi's full attention. "You could see she really wanted to hit me but she held back, knowing that hitting me wouldn't solve anything. I liked that. Plus she's really cute."

"She certainly was fearless against someone who she knows is the leader of Toman," Draken cackled. "But a woman who understands how to hold back, shows a lot of strength."

That's when the light bulb in Takemichi's dimly light head finally shined bright. Mikey likes strong people, Akemi being able to hold herself back from hitting Mikey showed restraint and removing herself from the situation showed some maturity. Maybe I have it all wrong, he sighed to himself, watching as Mikey started to dive into his dorayaki. Maybe Mikey falling in love isn't such a bad thing. So instead I need to keep her safe. Stop her being attacked and Akemi will have nothing to resent Mikey for. Mikey gets a happily ever after and the future will be changed, hopefully, for the better.

Mikey And The Dorayaki Girl (Mikey x OC)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat