Goddess Awakened - Chapter 4

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"Hold on to me, child." Antheia's tone demanded compliance.

Small arms wrapped around her neck instantly.

At the sound her voice, Joey''s head turned towards her. His light hair was plastered to his scalp as he kicked and splashed against the torrent of water. However, when he met her gaze, he gasped. His eyes widened in recognition, and his limbs paused their frantic dance. His body briefly dipped beneath the surface before he surged back up, his gaze desperate as he kicked furiously against the current.

Antheia reached out a free hand, their finger tips brushing once, twice, three times before she could get a solid hold. She held on tight. The river fought back, debris snatching at his clothes as it attempted to reclaim the small boy.

Tugging him close, Antheia glared at the water. It shivered in response, the surface rippling but refusing to cease its battle entirely. Joey's arms latched on to Antheia's neck, his cheek was cold against hers. His grip was so tight it was almost strangling.

Exhaustion clawed at Antheia. Her muscles ached and her chest burned. Her weakened corporeal form strained against the relentless flow of water continuing to draw them along. Being in human form was exhausting.

Kicking to keep the small ones' faces above the water, Antheia blinked the water from her eyes. Small stings erupted over her skin as branches and stones attacked her exposed skin. The children whimpered as strong surge buffeted against them. She would never admit it but their fear was contagious.

Her heart thundered. Her throat grew tight as terror consumed her. Not for herself. Only for them.

Desperately, Antheia looked up ahead. Her heart skipped a beat. A old stubborn tree leaned over the water, vines of ivy crawling along its great trunk.

Inhaling deeply, Antheia stretched out her hand towards the gentle giant. Her body sank a few inches deeper into the water, the arms around her neck tightening in response. And then, with an exhale, she focused her intent upon the tree.

The tree gave a loud groan but stubbornly remained in place.

Drawing in another deep breath, Antheia allowed her gift to flow out wards. Her entire being was stretched thin in the process. Even her teeth ached from the strain. "Please, brother. Help."

With those last words, the trio slipped beneath the water, her outstretched hand the last to disappear beneath the murky torrent. The great trunk quivered overhead before, with a creak, it lowered towards the waterline. The branches stretched out through churning rapids like a giant hand. The water swept the trio straight into it's grasp, the branches and vines cradling their forms before gently lifting them.

A fresh round of coughing and spluttering sounded in her ear as their heads broke the surface of the water.

Up and up they went. The sleepy giant lifting them slowly from the greedy hold of the water.

The air which had been warm before her dip in the raging river now brought a shiver down her spine. The children quivered in her arms, their faces buried deep in her neck. They were huddled close to her form, as if they could draw her warmth into their chilled bodies. But, as their feet lifted free of the cold of the water, they gasped. Antheia's hand shook as she guided the tree's movements. Panting, she wearily rested her cheek against the vine as she continued to guide the tree's movements.

She grit her teeth and urged them towards the river bank.

"Thank you." Antheia murmured, her lips brushing against the rough bark as she spoke.

The leaves rustled in response.

The children squeaked in surprise and further tightened their hold around the goddess's neck.

"Almost there." Antheia murmured, channeling all of her will towards to the tree, her face flushing from exertion.

Then, with a last lurch, they surged towards the grassy bank. The tree's limbs shook as it tossed them unceremoniously on to the ground. Antheia curled her arms around the small bodies pressed against hers, cushioning them from the hard ground.

She groaned loudly as her head smacked against the floor. The sudden surge of pain up coursing up Antheia's back snapped her concentration. Her hold on the tree broke. Within seconds, the branches surged back to their original position, whistling through the air before coming to a creaky halt. With one last rustle, the tree settled back into its position as sentinel of the river.

Sprawled out on her back, Antheia closed her eyes. Her chest rose and fell sharply, her heart pounding in her chest. In the absence of the immediate danger, she suddenly found herself exhausted. A soul deep exhaustion that lingered as much in her mind as in her body. Her thoughts spun as her head throbbed. Antheia couldn't have climbed to her feet then even if she wanted to.

She drew in a deep breath, her eyes fluttering closed against the unwelcome sensations. The two shivering children curled closer to her side reminding her that she was not alone and her task was not done.

Though she longed to just give into the heaviness in her body, Antheia forced open her eyes.

"Children? Are you well?"

"Uh huh," came the breathless mutter from one side.

The other simply nodded into her neck, their breaths oddly warm against her cold skin. Their small bodies gave another violent tremble, pitiful whimpers escaping their lips.

The movement was a reminder of their fragility. She had seen it before. If the water didn't claim you, the cold just might.

"We must go. The sooner you are home, the sooner you can be warm and dry."

There were groans in protest but, after much grumbling, Antheia forced the sodden children up on to their feet. Anthea clambered on to her feet. The whole world spun, her head throbbing in reminder of her injury. Though her own mortal form protested against the sudden movements, Antheia reached out a hand to each child. Their small hands slipped into hers without protest. They would most definitely be talking about that later but, for now, she was comforted by their ability to follow instructions.

Then, together, they began the long trek back to the encampment.

Though her gift was weak, unbidden the last tendrils of her power stirred. Without thinking, Antheia shared her little strength with her priestess and her friend. She would do everything she could to protect them. It was her duty. And yet, even without duty, Antheia would have done it any way.

Only now, as her heart slowed from its frantic pace and they trudged alongside the steep riverbank, Antheia realised that the greatest threat to the young ones was not an enemy. It was themselves. 

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