Chapter 21 Pirates

Start from the beginning

            Tye fit right in with the guys, especially Kevin and Ronny.The Korean male was strikingly handsome, being one inch taller than his twin counterpart,at five feet five inches tall.Tye's well toned muscles and thin body, made him appear taller.He kept his long, black hair tied into a ponytail.His long thick eyelashes, drew attention to his beautiful dark brown eyes. At nineteen Years old, he found the bro bond amusing. As well as Kevin and Ronny's personalities.
     Kevin fumed,"another one got away."
     Tye laughed,"ten to zip, but who's counting, I am."
     Ronny high fived the newbie,"good one Tye."
     Kevin silently stewed, jealous of his best friend's connection with the highly likable new arrival.
                 Lindy chopped vegetables, as fast as a professional chef,"I can't believe, you all were tricked into coming here Amy.
     Amy peeled potatoes,"I feel more sorry for you Lindy, running out of gas,while on the ocean. You're lucky to find this island, the odds are like finding a needle in a haystack."
     Amy envied the Korean girl's beauty, the nineteen year old vixen, had short well styled black hair. At five feet four inches, her one hundred and ten pounds suited her height. Her dark brown eyes were alluring.
     Amy was confused, for the first time in her life, she was physically attracted to another female.
                  Kyle picked blackberries with the newbie,"lately we have been mashing the berries into juice, drinking just water all of the time gets boring,you haven't been doing it long Shawna."
     Shawna put her long, black braid behind her back,"I don't know how you all kept your sanity? You have been stranded for months."
     Kyle was attracted to everything about Shawna, her black soft skin, her five feet eight inch height. Her dark brown eyes, and her long, thick eyelashes.One hundred and thirty pounds of pure sexy. At twenty two years old, she wasn't a girl, she was a woman.
     Kyle got up the courage to ask her,"Shawna, did you leave behind a boyfriend or husband?"
     Shawna picked a plump berry,"no handsome I'm very single."
     Kyle smiled exposing his shiny white teeth,"so am I."

            It was three days before Shawna spoke alone to the boy,"good morning cousin Megel."
     Megel was nervous,"why are you here Shawna? Who are the two you brought with you?"
     Shawna casually crossed her legs,"don't worry cousin, I'm not here for you. Tye and Lindy are spoiled brats, spending their billionaire father's money, like drinking from a never ending well. Daddy dear sent them here to camp, I'm just the means of delivery."
     Megel defensively crossed his arms,"how long will you be staying?"
     Shawna smiled, pinching the boy's cheek,"fifty thousand each for delivery, ten thousand more each day I'm here. I hope you are stuck with me for months, Megel."

            Lindy dipped stew onto plates,"if anyone is running low on make-up, I have a large suitcase of beauty products."
     Page squealed,"yummy a spa day."
     Tye accepted the plate of vegetarian stew,"only my sister would turn this crude island into a glam spot to be."
     Shawna speared a chunk of carrot with her fork,"no thank you very much Lindy, there's no one to impress."
     Amy was excited,"I left my curlers at home, to have curls again."
     Lindy burst her bubble,"sorry Amy, my curlers and hair straightener, need plugged into electricity.I think if we wrap your hair, it will curl though. A strip of cloth should work, roll from the end upward then tie the ends, when close to the scalp."
     Amy clapped her hands together,"you're so smart Lindy, you'll give our genius Chance, a run for his money."
     Tye swallowed his food,"me and sis, both got letters of acceptance, from ivy League schools.We just graduated from our private high school, our graduation gift was the sailing trip."
     Lindy was elated,"when father's yacht is discovered, he will spare no expense finding us.A huge reward, will have many people looking for us."
     Tye was still hungry,"those frying fish sure smell good. Is there enough for everyone?"
     Amy put three small pieces of fish, on the hungry fisherman's plate,"you caught fifteen fish today Tye, you earned that.Thanks to you and Kevin, there are two more skillets full of fish to fry."
     Tye took a bite of fish,"that was the first time I have ever fished before, it was fun, not demeaning like father said."
              Lindy helped wash dishes,"this is my first time Page, but I want to contribute to the group. Thank you so much, for taking us in. You will have to forgive my brother's gluttony, we didn't eat for ten days, while lost at sea on the raft. I think it's mental, but Tye can't seem to feel full."

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