Interview with Ashful

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1. How and when did you discover Wattpad?

I discovered Wattpad back in 2011 and it was a whole lotta different back then! I came across it because I wanted to read books, and I didn't have a lot of money really to buy books, so a few google searches later I stumbled upon

2. Where did you get the idea to write a book?

It's not so much of an idea inasmuch as a need ora drive... I had been writing and creating random stuff for myself and my friends since I was 13 years old.
Of course it was shit, and cringey, and completely ridiculous, but eventually after years of studying, I was able to construct something at least remotely legible and grammatically coherent and felt brave enough to share an idea with the world (Wattpad).
A few things were constant in what I wrote / write though- big romance, lotsa steam!

3. What is your favourite song?

That's a tough one! It constantly changes! I'm old school rock n roll, so have a few songs from the decades that would make the list. I suppose l would say U2's All I
Want is You because I chose this as my wedding song. I also go through phases, which change so often. What am listening to now, on repeat, will probably be something
I skip through next week lol!
But top of my Spotify list at the moment is Creedence
Clearwater Revival 'Around the
Bend' and Cold War Kids 'So
Tied Up'.

4. What is your favourite book trope and why?

I love the friends to lovers trope. Just something about it appeals to me... I guess it's liking everything about this person for so long and then having those weird little surges of attraction which is just so endearing. Like your perfect person has always been your person kinda thing.

5. What is your favourite book on Wattpad?

Rachel's Story by Anita Misra - so beautifully written!

6. Are you morally similar to the main female characters in the books?

Uh... not all the time. It depends what sort of character growth I want to develop. Sometimes I kinda need the FMC to be a bit of a walnut and figure shit out, so in that sense not so much. Morally, I'm big on kindness and empathy. I'm not confrontational, unless
I'm drunk and that is my poor husband's problem, and am very much live and let live kinda vibe- liberal inclined.
If that comes through in my
FMCs then yeah, suppose so.

7. If you could describe yourself in 3 words, what would they be?

Introverted. Bumbling. Human (or am 1?)

8. When you were younger, did you ever want to become a writer?

Yaaass... I studied journalism
and even wrote for student newspaper in my university town.Then I was almost sued because the person I interviewed wasn't happy with the printed article when it came out and I realised then and there that perhaps journalism wasn't for me... I think writing is just ingrained in my genetic make-up. One way or the other, it's gonna be typed out.

9. What is your favorite female character written by you? But male?

I love Blanche (Your Darkest
Dream) and Lillian (Dragon's
Match). They are polar opposites, but each just fundamentally strong women in their own right. Men? Oliver in Just to Have You.

10. What is a quote that guides you in life?

I honestly don't have one.

11. What is one piece of advice you would give to a new writer on wattpad?

Just keeping pushing forward.
Take critique as well as the compliments, and don't let the negatives get to you. Read as much as you can that is similar to what you enjoy writing and
Suss out what works well and what doesn't. Most importantly though, you should write what you want to read. Anything that wouldn't make you happy isn't worth it!

12. If you could improve something at wattpad, what would it be?

I really enjoyed the community boards and discussion forums! It was a great way to meet writer friends and garner a lot of support and encouragement. But otherwise
Wattpad is pretty awesome.

13. How would you feel if one of your books were published?

Well that's the dream isn't it? l'd probably have to pinch myself and then fight through waves of imposter syndrome.
Still do that to be honest.

14. What is your number one goal this year?

Make it out alive? Does that count? l suppose in terms of writing, finish the 2 WIPs l"'ve got going and begin 2 new ones.

15. Would you like your soulmate to look like
Killian,Jason or Lord?

Probably Killian. Tattoos are just my thing. Definitely have a type- if you saw my husband, there is a running theme...

16. Can you give us a hint about what will happen next or in the next chapters with

Let's just say that with approximately 60 chapters planned for this story, it is going to be a bit of a rollercoaster.

Some books written by Ashlyn:

Some books written by Ashlyn:

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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