Jey kisses his wife and picks up his wife sitting her on the counter, not breaking the kiss. They knock the plate of food over, then his phone rings. Amiah undid his joggers and pulls out his manhood. Jey looks at his phone to see that it's Paul Levesque.

Jey, "Shit." Answers, "Hello?" 

Paul, "Listen, we need to come in early to discuss some things and cut a few segments." 

Jey, "Why can't this wait?"

Paul, "Don't question me. Just get here ASAP."

Jey hangs up the phone with an attitude, "Look baby. This going have to take a raincheck." Amiah whines. Jey, "I know. Every moment together is always ruined by work or family drama." 

Amiah, "I'm going with you." 

Jey, "For real?" 

Amiah, "You have to go in early and so am I." 

Jey carries her to the room and grabs his bag, Amiah puts his gear in his bag, grab her cellphone then they leave. 

Once Jey arrives to the arena, he goes straight to Paul's office. 

Paul, "Have a seat. Now, your match will be a Fatal 4 Way: You, McIntyre, Lashley and Benjamin. Along with you doing so well with an excellent win and execution in the 90 percentile, you will get a raise in your contract and better benefits." Paul signals for the person to walk through the door." Jey looks over to see the champ, Balor. 

Finn, "I just wanted to say good luck and offer an apology for my actions against you and your lovely wife in the past. At the moment I wasn't myself and my girlfriend at the time was toxic."

Jey, "Sure, she was. Can I go?" 

Paul, "Let's all be adults here

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Paul, "Let's all be adults here."

Jey, "And as a grown adult, I'm going to walk away from this conversation. We have good ring chemistry, I'll give us that, and we can take the story as deep as you and I desire to go. Go personal all you want and I'll do what I did previously."

Finn, "So, we agree to no limits?"

Jey smirks, "Just as unlimited as your green card." And walks out. 

Now maybe that was wrong for him to bring up the green card, but with him Balor was still on the red side of his mood. Jey storms back outside to his wife.

Amiah, "What happened?"

Jey, "I got a raise and learned my match is a Fatal 4 Way. Then Balor walks in, typically smart mouth and look. I really feel that was a little setup for me to pop Balor, so I can get suspended again, but this time for six months minimum."

Amiah, "Okay. Thats why you got to win. Beat Balor and win. Then become the greatest and longest IC champion of this era! Keep your head. Be smart, get even, not revenge." 

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