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Let's start~

Both the Alphas asked the preety Omega "you can talk to them in human form?!"

The Omega thought that how can he be so stupid to talk with the animals when they are here but quickly covered it up as only moon omegas has the special power to talk with animals "uh I actually know these b-bunnies since two years and I-I can understand by the body language of animals"

Both the Alphas were astonished and said "you are amazing!"

"Thanks"-Taehyung said a little awkwardly as he never interacted with others except his siblings and the animals.

"Pretty Omega can I know your name?"-Jungkook asked like a little curious bunny.

Ah shit shit! if I tell them my name I maybe in trouble.Alpha and Luna will surely make my life hell.

"Hellooo?"-the trueblood said.

"Uh!you don't need to know!"- Taehyung said

"That's pretty rude of you"-The younger Alpha said.

"Thank you"-Taehyung replied.

"But what we will call you then"-Jungkook said with patience.

"No need of that I am no one important anyways"

"B--"-Jungkook wanted to say something but was cut off by Namjoon"Let it be" and said "um I am sorry on behalf of my brother"

"Its okay Alpha"-Taehyung replied softly and showed the main entrance towards the pack."Go straight and you will find pack guards,they will further show you the way"

"Aren't you coming inside with us"-Both the Alphas asked.

"No I am not"-Taehyung said and hurriedly walked away before both the alphas could question him.

"He is a little weird"-The Trueblood said and shrugged.


Taehyung was walking fastly as it was already evening and he might hardly had few minutes time  to be saved from getting late and punished.

"Surely I am gonna be late"-The Omega sighed as he has to take another route to not to be spotted by anyone as he forgot to wear his mask today,he was in a hurry to meet the little bundles of joy.


Namjoon and Jungkook met the pack guards and now were going towards the pack house.

"Namjoon Hyung"-The Trueblood called the other

"What?"-The said male replied

"I am hungry"-The Trueblood said

"Let's eat I will tell the guards"-Namjoon said.

"I will eat the specials though"-The Trueblood said and Namjoon agreed to it.

They went towards a stall that was beautifully decorated with flowers,some small wood statues and clay pieces.

"Hello!we would like to order the evening speciality dishes please"- Namjoon said

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