No Regrets

13 5 12



I felt my heart racing. I was tired, my knee was definitely dislocated and my face was smeared with blood. I was scared, terrified yet I could not show it on my face. I tried to calm my anxiety with my calming mantra. Deep breath and deep breath out.

Feeling some of the tension leave my body, I used my presence of mind to analyze the situation. This mission was carefully planned, each move, each strike was made with precision. Only the superiors in agency knew the full plan. Their attacks are too precised. It was as if they knew we would come.

I felt my face darken. A mole. A freaking mole caused all this. My fists clenched and I started making gritting sounds with my teeth. How could anyone betray there own motherland? No, right now I have to make sure my comrades and I make out of here. Right now they need their leader to be with them, to guide them.

I remembered when I first became commander. I was honored to have been given this responsibility. I had promised my fellow soldiers that till the day I lived, I will make sure that all those who went to the mission with me come back alive. Till date I maintained that promise and I will keep doing it even now.

"Jonathan!!" I called my deputy. "I want you to create a diversion. Make sure to focus their target on our 12 o'clock." I whipped my head in the direction of where it would be just to make it clear. "Air support along with back up will most likely come in 7 minutes. When you see it, evacuate with the others first and I will catch later okay?" I spoke as I checked my watch. 

"Oh so all we have to do is survive 7 minutes which is 420 seconds while fighting against explosions, new tech guns, trained assassins' which could jump on us any moment with nothing but a few guns, wounded limbs and that to barefoot. Wow, you really want me dead don't you? Jeez Kai, if I had known you hate me so much, I would not have come with you."

I rolled my eyes as I felt a tiny smile forming on my mouth. There was nothing worth smiling about this situation and yet I could not stop myself. It seemed impossible to get out of here. We will most probably die. It was not like I feared death, but it was still a bit daunting to think about. I wanted to tell Jonathan that if I did not make it, I wanted him to lead this group as the new commander, that he was like the brother I never had. 

Instead I told him, "Tell you what Jon, if we make it out of here, I will buy you food. But the drinks on you."

He smiled heartedly, "cheapstake" 6 minutes left.

I was about to tell him to go when I felt my body being thrown over something hard like a boulder. I groaned holding my head. My eyelids threatening to close. I forced them to open. Squinting my gaze I could see Jon leave. I felt satisfied. At least the others would be fine.

I felt a punch on my face forcing me to shift my head to the left. Feeling all the anger and exhaustion catch up to me, I did my best to kill him first. Determined to not been taken down right now. 

It was never easy. Fighting with a bulky person that is. However my luck seemed to shine. I survived. Albeit with broken ribs, dislocated jaw, torn clothes, sprained ankle and God knows what not. It hurt but manageable. How much time had passed? minutes, hours? I had no idea. My watch was broken. Though I expected that would be the case. I hope everyone was safe.

Sylvia would be heart broken. That thought weighed much more on my heart than I imagined. Sylvia was my wife, my love of my life. She was always with me. My light, my guide, my heart. "I am sorry Sylvia. I could not keep my promise to you. Looks like I would not be returning. I love you" I whispered to myself. 

I saw a group of soldiers stand in front of me. My face scrunched. "WHERE ARE THEY??" One shouted while hitting me right in the eye. I did not answer them. Just sitting and looking at my surroundings. As if they were not there. I seemed to have gotten on one's nerves cause the next thing I knew, I was stabbed on my hands, nailing it to the ground. 

It hurt but I was going to give them the satisfaction. Instead I gave them a toothy grin smudged with blood, eyeing them with one eye since the other could not open much after the hit. "DAMN YOU"

The one was about to hit me again when I opened my mouth a bit. He stopped thinking I had submitted to him. I must say he was awfully close to me. so I did the most logical thing. I looked him dead in the eye and then laughed out loud. I was laughing so much that tears started to form in my eyes. For a moment I wondered where these by any chance tears of sadness?

"As if I would ever tell you...LEECH" 

I may have ticked of that person to much. The last thing heard from me was the sound of a gun shot. I felt it hard to breathe. I was dying. It felt weird. Not the best way to describe it but that was all that came to my mind. 

In my last moments, I felt the pride of serving my nation, heartbreak of leaving my wife, joy for the safety of my comrades. If anyone had asked me right now if I had any regrets, I would say no(Though I doubt I could speak a word in a state like this).

I lived a happy enough life. I knew the pain of loss, the joy of love and had lived the roller coaster of life serving my nation. I had no regrets. 

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⏰ Última atualização: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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