An Event into a Disaster? (1499 words)

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(Kacy P.O.V)

Every year, our school hosts a grand Halloween Celebration. It is known for it all around the city. So, to be at the top means to have something unique. As a result, our school contains one big activity/event each time.  So, this year it was the couple - matchmaking event. This is the event my friend Sally is currently trying to force on me, for 2 days. 

"Okay that is it!! You miss I- have - a - perfect - body - but - I - am - as - dense - as - a - log when it comes to dating and flirting" Sally raged.

I was about to reply to her back but one look at her face made me stop. I knew at that time that even a zombie apocalypse was a child in front of Sally's anger. Note to self: Never anger Sally. 

Sigh. I might as well take part in this stupid love thing. 

"Ok fine. Jeez I will take part, but you have to be there with me," I demanded.

"Oh hon, what made you think for a second that I won't go there."

"Just imagine all the hot boys. Which one do you think will be my soulmate? Will it be a sweet caring guy or a cold handsome Ceo or perhaps a rich guy taking me as his sugar baby." That event had not even started, and I was already regretting my decision.

"Yeah, I get it don't get so hyped up again and make me embarrass myself in front of others."

"Fine fun sucker. Just remember to wear something cute and devilish tomorrow for the party."

What the hell is cute and devilish? Whatever. I will just wear what I want. 

(The next day. The party has started)

(On the telephone)

"Hey Sall....yeah I am standing at the entry gate.... You dumbo the entry gate to our school not the hostel.... yeah, be there in 5 or I will call the police. " What I will do with that girl. 

(5 mins later)~~~

"Let us go Sally to your husband fishing game and get dumped in an area full of flip flop girls and boys. Oh joy." Note the sarcasm if you can't.

"Hey" I felt a palm on my shoulder. "I know this is not something you want but I know you hate your parents and live on your own. All I want is for someone other than me who can take care of you all the time, support you and share your burden. Maybe you know like the feeling you get when you know that someone is waiting for you at home to be with you."

That made me pause. It is true. My parents had no regard for me and there was stuff because of which I could not think of living even a second of my life with them. However, there used to be nice memories to. I still remember some of them. Somehow, I had forgotten the essence of togetherness and how it felt when someone used to wait for you at home. I felt internally grateful to Sally. And somewhere, in the corner of my heart, the teeniest tiniest part of it, was looking forward for this event. 

Both of us rushed to the event and reached just on time.  The speaker had a really loud voice but what he said was what that got me confused and interested in this game. 

"Hello folks of all age! Looking for a partner then step right up! If not specified earlier, there will only be 4 contestants whose wishes will be heard. We have put your name in this luck draw box, if your name is heard step right up."

"Jordan Hail"

A roar of thunder was heard. That obvious after all Jordan is the called "the hottest guy" in our school. Honestly all this cheering was damn annoying. I felt like sucking their blood. Hold on. Why did I think like that. I shook my head. I must probably have weird thoughts due to all this Halloween party. Yeah, that is it.  

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