You Are A Blooming Flower(248 Words)

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Winter came and went so fast,

all snow gone at last.

All flowers shimmer again,

but me, a nobody, all drained.

Because I'm stuck in a bud,

wailing with fright.

Will I never look beautiful?

Why will my wait not be fruitful?

Primary kids all look at other flowers,

not a glance at me because I'm a discard.

I sigh in helplessness,

that's when I saw a girl like a Goddess.

Leaving behind the scenic flowers,

that people would stare for hours.

She squats towards me; says,

I could stare at you for days.

You're still a bud,

so feel like mud.

But I want you,

flower with capability to be something new.

I'll wait for you to bloom,

this took away my gloom.

I realized,

soon I shall arise.

Saw beauty first time of spring,

all happiness it could bring.

Hey myself,

sadness vanished by itself.

Bloomed roses being worshipped by a lark,

instead of envy, I felt pride that soon I would be this star.

Because I now know,

growing up process is slow.

I find,

song playing in my mind.

I needn't worry as,

soon I'll be free.

I'll also grow up one day.

Maybe, I'll fret again next may.

But right now I have things to wonder about and enjoy.

See sun spreading joy.

A message to you too,

you are of great value.

You are beautiful inside and out,

So screaming out loud.

It might take you hours,

don't forget, you are still a blooming flower.

Took me the assistance of a goddess in disguise.

To understand this advice,

You have the key to your happiness.

Don't grow to fast; it will be a madness.

Because once you are mature and old,

you will sigh and say, "You were once a blooming flower."

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