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Young Paisley Reynolds left the hockey rink crying her eyes out.  Who was this new coach to come in absolutely berate her in front of everyone? He had said that since she was a girl, she wasn't supposed to be playing a boys' sport. Paisley didn't understand that. She was a good hockey player, so why shouldn't she get the same opportunities as all of the boys on her team. She was probably the best player on the team. After him of course. Cole Caufield. Oh, how Paisley hated him. She had only just met him, but could already tell he was a showoff.

He was only 6 years old, but it was already almost guaranteed that he would be drafted into the NHL. Oh, how much Paisley wanted that. To be the first woman to play in the NHL would be a dream come true. But she knew it would never happen. She tried wiping at her eyes before her parents could see them, but she was caught. "Honey, what's wrong?" Paisley's father, Myles, asked her. Paisley shrugged. "Coach doesn't think I'm good enough." She whispered. Myles' eyes softened. "Don't listen to him, honey. Mom and I know how good you are. Never forget that." She nodded, wiping the remaining tears from her eyes.

Her eyes turned to her mother, Trisha, where she was standing with another couple. "Paisley, this is Kelly and Paul. Their son, Cole, just started playing with you." Trisha introduced. "Cole Caufield?" Paisley asked with distaste. Kelly nodded, giving her a smile. Paisley awkwardly smiled back and turned away. She saw Cole coming out of the rink doors. She tensed up. "I'll be in the car." She said, going to walk away. Myles grabbed onto her arm. "Hi!" Cole introduced himself with a wide smile.

"Let me go." Paisley hissed at her father. He sighed and let her go to the car. Paisley buckled herself into her seat and stared out the window at the boy she so effortlessly hated. Her parents soon said goodbye to Cole and his parents and got into the car. Trisha immediately turned to Paisley in the backseat. "That was very rude." She told her daughter. Paisley ignored her. "Cole is such a nice boy. I don't understand why you had to be so rude to him." "I don't like being compared to him." Paisley told her parents. And it was in that moment she vowed to be better than him. And she vowed that she would be drafted into the NHL one day.


"And with the forty fourth overall selection in the 2019 NHL draft, the Carolina Hurricanes are proud to select from the US National team, Paisley Reynolds." She did it. She got drafted into the NHL. She stood up with a bright smile on her face and walked down to the stage. The rest of the day was a blur. Paisley was just so happy. She couldn't believe she actually did it. After all the excitement had calmed down, she went back to the hotel. She heard Trevor's screaming before she even opened the suite door.

She slid her room key into the lock and opened the door to see the rest of the National team drinking champagne. "You're the last one." Trevor slurred out. "Z, you're drunk." Paisley commented. "What? No, I'm not." He tried to play off. "He totally is." Jack said. "I'll take care of him." Paisley laughed before noticing Cole staring at her. She smirked and walked over to him. "Told you I would do it." She boasted. Cole rolled his eyes and sighed. "Congratulations, Reynolds." He said. "Yeah, you too, Caufield."

I Really Hate You | Cole CaufieldWhere stories live. Discover now