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Being engaged to the prince was wonderful and his father was a wonderful and kind man too, but y/n craved more than just being the prince's fiancee and the ambassador for her country.

She walked over to the balcony of her room and looked out towards the sea. "That's where I want to be..." She whispered to herself wishfully. She dreamed of sailing the open seas for days on end and not having to worry about how to talk to the next ambassador or what dress to wear to the next party.

She wanted to be free.

"What was that?" She heard a voice behind her say. Y/n jumped and turned to find her fiancée.

"Oh! Izuku, you scared me." Y/n said walking up to him as he grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"My apologies. I was just coming up to let you know that I shall be heading off soon to go retrieve the Book of Peace and return it here where it belongs in Musutafu." Midoriya said with a determined smile.

A smile then appeared on her face. "Well safe travels to you, and I'll see you when you return." She said and placed a kiss on his cheek before he turned and started to leave. He stopped by her door and turned to look at her once more and they shared a small little wave before he disappeared.

Her smile then slowly turned to a frown, if only she could join him...


He saw his target. The royal navy ship...

He jumped down to the main deck, all his men lining up. And his dog, Togatta.

"Alright, this is what we've been waiting for men." He walks past them and then points to the ship ahead of them, "The world's most valuable object is on it's way to Musutafu..." He turns to his men with a cocky grin on his face, "It's a damn shame it'll never get there."

The whole ship laughed and Togatta barked.

The ship was getting closer. He clapped his hands together, "And after today, we retire to Jamaica."

The men then cheer once more.

"Kirishima, now!"

"Ey Captain!" Kirishima replies and starts steering the ship to position them better.

Bakugou wrapped rope around his arm to be able to swing over, "Let's get rich!"

The ships crashed into one another and then the men went over. Knocking down and fighting the navy guards. Kirishima, using his muscles, ripped off a piece of wood from the ship and swung it at some guards, knocking them unconscious.

Sero was using the ropes to swing and fight them from the air.

Kaminari and Mina were working together in a synchronized way, as if they were dancing and they took down guards together.

Bakugou was taking on two men, using two swords and swinging them to knock it out of his opponents hands. The next guard that came at him, Bakugou slid under his legs and then tipped off his helmet. The guard, surprised by this, didn't expect Bakugou to headbutt him.

Multiple guards came for him, Bakugou stuck his two swords in the ground and then spun in a circle, kicking them down, one by one. He landed next to Kirishima, who had a man in a choke hold. "You catch that move? Pretty fucking cool huh?" Kirishima just smiled and shook his head, "I thought you overworked it, just a bit." He said with a teasing voice.

"Overworked it? Shut up!" Bakugou shouted back.

A guard them came running up behind Kirishima who then caught the sword between his teeth and then knocked the guard out. "Oh, and I was overworking it?" Bakugou said in a irritated tone.

And that's when he saw him.


"This just got interesting." Kirishima said with a smile.

Midoriya Izuku was taking on four of Bakugou's men by himself.

"Still fight like an old lady..." Bakugou says with an annoyed tone in his voice.

"Kacchan?" Midoriya says getting distracted. And then Kaminari tackles him to the ground. Bakugou begins to laugh but then remembers he;s meant to be irritated. "Don't call me that dammit!"

Midoryia then gets up and pushes Kaminaria and Sero off him, "What are you doing here?"

Bakugou has a grin on his face as he breaks the handle of the Captain's quarters. "I'm working."

"What happened to you? Where have you been Kacchan?" Midoriya asks.

Bakugou shuts his eyes in annoyance, "I'd love to stop and catch up, but I've got work to do." He says sarcastically and then swings open the door.

He walks in and is stunned by the sight of the book that was laid out on a pedestal. A grin then crosses his face as he begins to walk closer. Midoriya quickly walks in front of him and places a hand on Bakugou's shoulder, "Kacchan, we need to talk."

"Get your fucking hands off me." Bakugou says as he pushes Midoriya's hand off him. He walks right up to it, glancing at the images displayed on the pages. A sky blue light lit up the room with a soft glow. "The Book of Peace..."

"It's my job to bring it safely to Musutafu." Midoriya says as he walks up next to Bakugou.

"You see now, that's where I feel bad, not really, because...you're going to get fired." Bakugou says with a smirk on his face.

"You can't be serious Kacchan. You disappear for ten years and then show up here to rob me?"

"Well, then it's just unfortunate that it was you, but-" "But it is me!" Midoriya shouts and interrupts Bakugou.



Bakugou just sighs, "Look we had our hideouts and our games, but we were kids."

"We were friends Kacchan! You're not going to steal this. Not from me anyway, what would you even do with it?"

Bakugou looks down at the book again and smirks, "Imagine how much someone would pay to get it back, seeing as it protects the twelve cities and all."

"Let me say it again, a long time ago, you and I were friends, if that ever meant anything to you, prove it now..." Midoriya says as he steps between Bakugou and the book.

"You're right...that was a long time ago." Bakugou says as he reaches for the book anyway. But Midoriya was quick enough, he grabbed Bakugou's wrist and moved him away from the book. "What the hell!" Bakugou shouts in frustration. They both draw their swords, ready to fight each other. And that's when a huge crash is heard, followed by men shouting. 

Bakugou: Legend of the seven seas [Bakugou x reader]Where stories live. Discover now