Mirio's Final Fight!

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     Angry. Very angry. I laid in that bed for a week. Trapped in my mindscape fighting hopeless battles to gain full control over Ultimate Soul by showing my soul's worthy of its power. But I could hear all around me as I 'slept' everything. Unable to affect those in the waking world. I was so close to losing my battle to prove my worth when I heard it. The thing that filled me with dread. Mirio Togata had made Nejire quirkless temporarily with Overhaul's deleter rounds. No one was there to help her. He forced her hand by demanding she do what he desires if she wanted everyone to be safe. I did not know his plan, but I was filled with unbridled fury. All aimed at the boy who wanted to rape my Periwinkle Fairy. The girl whose smile drove me when all was lost.

     I had to get up. I had to show my worthiness and get control of the godlike powers of my quirk. "What will you do little worthless Deku Midoriya? Will you waste time here when the fairy needs you most? Will you stand by doing nothing as that brilliant light you inspired as a child is defiled and snuffed out?" The quirk boomed at me. I sighed surrounded by thousands of clones of my wives and Eri lying dead at the feet of Sephiroth. "You know. All my life, I yearned to be a hero. I had no quirk. Was tortured, raped, nearly killed, yet in my darkest hour when all was lost, it happened Quirk." I spoke with a calm fury. The quirk smirked at me.

     "You were saved by others because you're too worthless to save yourself!" The smirking quirk barked out. "No. That's where you're wrong, quirk! I was saved because two blazing sunlike lights appeared and refused to let a small boy die at the hands of monsters. They then raised that same worthless small quirkless boy. They made him strong. Stronger than all others on this Earth." I snarled out as it laughed. My fury building at my inability to get out of this fucking bed.

     "For years you were the strongest yet you hid in the shadows like the worthless coward you truly are Deku Midoriya!" It accused me making me smile. "You're half right. I hid yes like a coward but not for my safety. I was afraid those amazing sunlike lights would be snuffed out should I show myself to the world. To keep them safe I hid away building power all the while. Power to challenge Sephiroth. Power to change society. Power to save two worlds!" I spoke with more passion and fury each time.

    "So you say but what happened when you showed yourself huh? You went and got those sunlike lights killed anyway worthless weakling." It said with a venomous hate. I smiled bright as tears fell. "You're wrong. It was not me who got them killed. They willingly chose to go. In order to give me the time to master your powers as well as Holy and Chaos. You have made me watch those I love die at Sephiroth's hands. You have used what my bullies said for years in order to hurt me. But there is one thing you should never do quirk!" I roared as I stood tall with wisps of green swirling around me.

    "Oh and what's that little worthless deku Midoriya?" It asked with a cocky smirk. "NEVER COUNT ME OUT! I AM IZUKU STRIFE! SON OF CLOUD AND TIFA! FATHER OF ERI! HUSBAND OF MITSUKI, REI, FUYUMI, OCHACO, MOMO, KYOKA, MINA, MELISSA, TSUYU, AND TORU! SAVIOR OF TWO WORLDS! THE SOUL THAT DREGGED THE DEPTHS OF HELL TO REACH HEAVEN! DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES UNDERESTIMATE ME OR MY POOOWEEEEER!!!!" I bellowed with all my will, determination, love, kindness, courage, strength, everything I am, and everything I have. A blazing green aura flared around me dissipating the darkness and erasing the visions of my dead family. All that stood before me was my entire family and my quirk smiling bright.

   'Congratulation Izuku Strife. The Ultimate Soul is yours. I pray you defeat Sephiroth with this mighty power. I have watched you for years. Even from my world I saw you. You are the one whose soul has no limits. You. The small quirkless boy full of hope and endless willpower. I sent Cloud and Tifa to train you. For you are our only hope.' A womans voice played in my head. I turned and saw her. Aeris Gainsborough. The last Cetra. "Y-You're Aeris?! How? How are you here?" I asked unable to comprehend this new development. She smiled sadly at me. "You Izuku Strife are the one who was supposed to be born on our world. Shinra's experiments changed the fates of our worlds. I am here because I left my soul core in the Holy materia. Before Cloud and Tifa were sent to you I had used the last of my power besides this core to send the two materias from myself and Vincent Valentine to you. A last ditch effort. Vincent gladly sacrificed himself as did I. But you child of none, son of Cloud and Tifa, father of Eri. You have a soul so powerful only Sephiroth can dare contest it." She said teary eyed as she reached up and placed a hand on my cheek.

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