The start of Endeavors end

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*???'s POV*

       I sat on the bed in the hospital after having watched the news story about the boy who was just 15 years old tell his story and reveal facts that even All Might was a terrible person. I sighed thinking of my sons and daughter. Wishing I could escape this place and take them away from Enji. Maybe if I could arrange a talk with that boy he could help.

     Just then a knock on the door pulls me from my thoughts. "Enter" I say as I watch what appears to be a homeless man with a scarf enter my room. He looks angry and sad. But familiar. Oh that's right he was at that news conference but was in a suit and tie with his hair pulled back. "H-hello? W-w-who are you? W-why are y-you h-here?" I ask scared that maybe Enji sent him. "Rei Todoroki I am your son Shoto's homeroom teacher at UA. My name is Shouta Aizawa." He says as I begin having hope that just maybe....I can escape Enji! "I s-see. But why come here?" He smiles at me. "Well you see. We got a new teacher. I am sure you saw him in the news. A young boy Shoto's age. I just got a message from Izuku he had to take Shoto to Nezu's office. Right now he is talking about what.....Enji did to you and unfortunately your kids." He says looking angry. I get scared very scared. "W-what is going to h-happen n-now? D-did Enji p-pay you to k-k-kill me?" He shakes his head. "No but I may kill him. They told me a little of what he did to you specifically. We need not go into details but I am here to escort you to UA's 1A dorm by the request of one Izuku Strife. There you will stay until we handle Endeavor. Is this acceptable?" I start to cry smiling. "Y-you m-m-mean it? T-truly I can l-leave?" I say letting hope flare within me. He smiles again. "Yes. We will take you to meet Shoto and Izuku will be placed as your guard as he is currently there to protect everyone. He will not tell Shoto of you coming. We want to surprise the boy. He needs it as he has borne the weight of Endeavor for too long. Currently only Fuyumi lives with Endeavor. She is going to be moved as well without Endeavors knowledge. You two will live in the room of Mitsuki Bakugo the current Dorm Mother of 1A. We expanded her room to accomodate you all. There's a door leading straight to Izuku Strife's room so if anything happened he can get to you three immediately. I have not known that boy long but he is strong. Very strong. As well he has a very strong sense of justice so I am 100% sure if anything happens you all will be safe. So dry your eyes Rei Todoroki your nightmare is almost over."

     He says as he hands me a handkerchief. "H-H-Himura. Call me Rei Himura. I will never go by Todoroki again." I say as happiness and hope flood over my body and I stand up. He smiles "Very well Rei Himura. Its good to see that light in your eyes. Lets see if we can instill it into your kids eyes as well." He says as he hands me a suitcase with some clothes that should fit me. "Thank you Mr. Aizawa." He snorts. "Just Aizawa works. As Mr. Aizawa is what my students call me. Feels weird being called that by an adult." He says as he steps out allowing me to change. "He may seem cold but he's actually very kind." I say aloud before I change clothes. "I hope Shoto isn't angry with me still....oh how will I ever gain his forgiveness....sigh maybe the dorm mother can help me..." I ramble before I exit the room and walk with Aizawa to my future.

*Izuku's POV*

    "I see. Thank you Aizawa. Report to 1A dorm once you get here then my office. Goodbye." Says Nezu. I look at Shoto who is trying to hold it together as best he can. "Don't worry Shoto Todoroki. He will never harm another member of your family again. I will see to that personally. Nezu is going to find the evidence. Now if you think you can go on please continue." Shoto nods his head. I can see his determination to finish this so he can get away from his personal demon. "After the stuff with mother and Touya. Comes what he did to big sister. Like my mother before she went mad Fuyumi is so polite and kind to everyone. She tries her best to fill the role of both mother and sister taking care of Natsuo and me. After Natsuo moved on to college it's just her and me there until now. As kids she didn't have a strong quirk so she was seen as useless to Endeavor." I take a sharp inhale as I try holding back my rage. "He wasn't as rough with her from what she said but after mother was thrown into the hospital he began to abuse her too. Forcing her to cook and clean everything and beating her if it didnt meet his requirements or tastes. But worst....w-worst thing he d-did was r-r...." That broke the boy.

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