Strongest Hero vs AFO pt 2

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"Oh my word you actually brought me to you." I said as I fake shivered. "Why yes I did little boy. Its time the false strongest faced the merchant of quirks. The demon king AFO. I've grown ever so weary of yiur little game it's time I rectify my mistake and take you down. Freeing me to rule this world." I mocked paling at his words and began to fake panic as I slowly jogged to a nearby door and stopped. "How about we end this charade and step outside. We could truly do battle and I will fully heal you. Does that sound agreeable to you AFO?" AFO stopped smiling and asked "What kind of game are you playing out child?" I smiled and cured him. "I just want a bit of a challenge." AFO smiled before using an air cannin blast that destroyed the building we were in.

"Really? All that and you could barely do anything beside destroy the building?" I asked as I drew my swords. "This isn't the max power you possess is it?" I asked as AFO stares at me with his mouth agape. "How did that not hurt you?" I chuckled at him. "I'm the strongest being on Earth. It's not a self imposed title but an undeniable fact AFO. Unlike you I truly am the strongest. But thanks for yet again underestimating me boy." I pointed my swords at him. "Now its time to show you the gap between our powers." I flashed a smile at him. I walked towards him as he fired off many powerful attacks that did all of jack shit to me. AFO was getting truly angry and he began combining powerful attacks in the hopes of taking me down. Not one thing did anything to me. I sighed. "Since you cannot hurt me how about I make this interesting?" I raised a hand and winked at him as I summoned Ramuh.

"What the fuck? What is this child you just made an old man appear out of thin air." I smiled at his confusion as Ramuh fired off a powerful lightning attack that he barely managed to survive. "Argh. How? How is this happening?" I smiled as I explain his ordeal. "Ramuh here is one of my weaker summons. Gauging from your abilities I figured you may be able to defeat him. My bad for overestimating your strength. Oh well let me heal you up and see if you can try again." Again I healed AFO and he tried hard but wasn't able to best Ramuh. I sighed and dispelled Ramuh. "Jeez are you truly this pathetic and yet the greatest villain this planet has to offer me?" You're not even a challenge for my weak summons no way you'd be able to best me in combat. Though smile for the camera old boy." He growled at me and flew in my direction as I waved at the news choppers. I didnt even try to avoid his attack. He slammed into me with everything he had and I barely felt anything. "Oh dear. I fear you have been found wanting in the power department. I guess you truly arent even top 10 in terms of power AFO. You spent too long just trying to stay alive that you let your power wane too much."

Just then his little bitch subordinate Shigaraki arrived and try to aid AFO. I laughed whenbsuddenly AFO dropped to the ground and took back decay from him. "Finally with this power I can yake you down boy!" He roared as Shigaraki begged and pleaded for his quirk back. "Eh not at all but by all means feel free to try." Ago then used decay on Shigaraki before flying to me one more time. He grabbed my arm and nothing happened. "What? How is this not killing you where you stand?" I shrugged my shoulders before asking. "Decay only caused the rapid decay of things right? Well lets just say I'm immune to that thanks to a few spells I have. Ergo you stole that quirk and killed your little bitch of a bottom for nothing punkass bitch."

Enraged at his own ignorance AFO snapped and yelled at me for like 5 minutes. It was really boring though seeing as a man who has proven to be nothing close to a threat was just barking like Bakugo. "Hold up. I get that you realize how pathetic and weak you are old boy but uhh. What kind of centuries old man flies into a ranting tirade like a child just because he realizes hes a pathetic waste of space?" AFO tried to smake threats abiut attacking the coty and the civilians but I stopped listening and just charged the energy in my blade. "Sorry but I have grown tired of all this AFO. Say goodbye to the world that no longer fears you." In a blinding slash I launched a blade beam at him and he was killed instantly. Meh oh well.

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