Chapter 3: Stone Cold Simp

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To everyone reading, sorry it took so long to get this out. I know it's been at least over a month, probably the same for my other book, but I'll try to write more over the summer. I've just been unmotivated as of late. Also, sadly, this chapter is gonna be shorter than normal because I never originally had a plan for it, and it's kinda a filler/aftermath.

The school day was over before it truly even started

Jake was driving while his three siblings bickered about something, but Milo had drifted to sleep. He always did that whenever Jake drove.

So, to defuse his younger sibling's petty argument, Jake spoke.

"I think I made a friend." 

Silence struck the car.

"What?..." Zoey asked. He knew it struck her the most since she had always seen him on his lonesome.

"That's amazing, Jake!" Elliot exclaimed. He always wanted Jake to make friends.

"Who are they?" Zoey asked, and Jake knew exactly where this was going.

"Hailey Austin," Jake said, "The girl that was trying to talk to me a while ago."

"You already on a first-name basis?" Elliot asked, "Good work, man," Zoey burst out laughing while Jake grew a faint blush but concealed himself.

"It's nothing like that, Elliot," Jake said calmly, even though he wasn't calm in the slightest, "What about you and that Milly girl?"

It was Elliot's turn to blush while Zoey's laughs grew harder.

"Ooooh," Zoey said in between laughs, "Somebody's got a crush~," 

Jake smiled as his siblings returned to a faint argument, but it was more of a teasing match.


Hailey arrived home with her younger stepbrother, Zander. 

She felt pretty happy with herself. She made a new friend.

It was hard making friends growing up, but Hailey's glad to have her The Music Club, Lia, and now, technically, her new friend, Jake.

There was something different about Jake in Hailey's eyes. She hadn't met a person like him.

Then again, that's how it was with Zander. She couldn't even get him to talk to her for at least the first two months of knowing each other.

Hailey jumped on her bed and, in the process, was lying on her back. She couldn't help but feel like a main character. She just felt happy as she stared at her star-covered ceiling.

"This year is gonna be great!"  Hailey beamed at her thought. All she has to do is get Jake to let that guard of his down and get him to show his true self. And sadly, not acting and looking like an emo was the only part of his personality.


Jake sat out in the gazebo.

His eyes set on the sky, the bright blue reminding him of that girl who seemingly now wanted to start bothering him.

Well, she barely has been bothering him, but he knew it would go on longer. Jake didn't stop her from trying because he was surprised to see someone try what she did, and it definitely wasn't because he thought she was cute.


He just didn't want her to get his hopes up. Jake already worried that he shared too much with Hailey; about his siblings and himself. 

Anyone could take that information and spread it around.

And as much as Jake saw Hailey as someone too kind and innocent to do anything of the sort...

You can never be too sure of who to trust these days.

As I said in the beginning, I'm terribly sorry about the wait. On another note, I'll try to work on It Started At A Birthday Party. This one was shorter because I didn't have a big plan for it, and it's only the third chapter (fifth if counting the prologues).

But I do hope you enjoyed the chapter despite it probably not being up to a standard.

Hoped you enjoyed it.

See ya next time pals

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