Prologue Pt 2. The Miserable Life Of A High Schooler

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(Alright, the names of Jake's bullies are. The blonde is Tyler. The one with brunette hair and a green jacket is Jason, and the other one in the photo above with a black jacket, to Jake's right, is Felix.)

Jake walked into the lunch room. He could feel the glares and stares from students. After all, he was the most disliked and hated in the school.

He walked over to Zoey, and her friend group glared at him while Zoey smiled.

"Need something?" Zoey asked, and Jake bent down to her so the others couldn't hear.

"Can you find out who a certain girl is?" Jake asked, and Zoey was shocked, "And no, it's not some sort of crush. She just helped me out when Tyler and Jason causing problems. She has blue-teal-ish hair and carries a brown spiral notebook with three music notes decorating it."

"Damn, Jake," Zoey said, "If you hadn't clarified it wasn't a crush, I would've assumed you were stalking someone." Zoey laughed while Jake held a somber face.

"Har, har, very funny, Zoey," Jake said as he bent back up, "Can you just help me out?" Jake asked, and Zoey nodded. Jake gave a quick thanks and then started leaving for the exit. Until Tyler, Jason, and Felix got in the way.

"Hey, look," Tyler said, "It's the freaky loner," The trio laughed. Some snickered in the background. Jake stood there, not uttering a word.

"Too scared to respond?" Felix asked, "Seems as though you got something to say." Jake still didn't answer.

"Why don't we teach him a lesson," Tyler said, "This time in front of the school-" "Jake duck!" Shouted a voice. Jake did so. A tray flew right into Tyler's face, knocking him back.

Jake looked behind him to see Zoey cracking her knuckles, and for the first time in two years, he made a different expression in front of people in his school. He was scared of Zoey for a sec.

People were gasping.

"You fucking bitch!" Tyler exclaimed, "You'll pay for that-" Jason was cut off when another tray flew into him; It was Elliot's.

People were shocked, not uttering anything anymore.

Jason turned around and grabbed Elliot by his collar, "You want something, flower boy?!" Jason exclaimed, and Jake's expression grew angry as he ran, tackling Jason. Elliot was let go.

Jake was standing over Jason while he had pushed the brunettes back onto an empty table. Jake punched him, and soon Tyler grabbed Jake, slamming him to the floor. Tyler got on top of him and started punching his face, giving him a bloody nose and probably bruises later.

"What does the loner freak think he's doing?!" Tyler said, standing over him, "He thinks he can just beat people up whenever he wants just because someone else was about to get hurt." It was as if Tyler was making everyone else dislike him even more.

So he gets ridiculed for fighting back while they get off scot-free. Elliot's not well known, so people don't care, and everyone's alright with Zoey. They're just assuming she's causing drama.

Jake got up and walked away.

"Yeah! Run away like the coward you are!" Felix shouted, "Freak!"

People didn't care. They were alright about Jake being bullied but got absolutely upset whenever he stood up for himself. That's why he gave up. (Ngl, reminds me of how a lot of people treat Hailey shitty and then victimize Drew)


"Holy shit!" Milly stood up as she saw Zoey throwing her lunch tray at Tyler. It was deserved, in the club's opinion. They didn't like Tyler since he was always harassing Hailey.

"Since when could Zoey do that?!" Lia exclaimed. Hailey was surprised. Zoey had been well-known for playing the coward whenever she and Milly fought, so seeing Zoey throw a tray at someone and hit them square-center in the face was a shock to all.

How Zoey knew Jake and defended him was even more of a mystery.

Elliot threw a tray at Jason, and Milly almost wanted to join the fight to protect him. Keyword: almost.

Sean stopped her as soon as Jake started punching the shit out of Jason. Everyone's expression was shocked, while Milly's was in amazement and excitement. She loved seeing people fight.

Soon, the fight ended when Jake left the cafeteria. Everything went back to normal, almost.

The club started to chat again, but Milly stayed silent. She felt like someone was coming over to her, and when she turned around, she saw Zoey putting her tray away, grumbling, then leaning against the wall and getting her phone out to call someone.

Milly almost turned back to the club until she heard Zoey speak.

"Hey, Jake," Zoey said, "Are you alright? I saw you-" Zoey stopped as if the person on the other line told her everything was fine.

Zoey soon hung up the phone, saying goodbye to whoever was on the other side of the line. Milly wasn't concerned, just confused and suspicious of the blonde girl that always seemed to pick on and bother her.

Headcanons used: Zoey is the person to go to if you want to find anything about anyone. She is the gossip queen. Some might say it's stalkerish, but it's just Zoey being Zoey. She'll know almost everything about someone, that has been said, aloud and things someone doesn't even know about themselves.

So, this prologue is short than the other one. It's to try to get into the feel of what life is like, and the drama that happens. 

Hoped you enjoyed it.

See ya next time pals

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