Chapter 2: Unlikely Start

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Sorry, it took so long to get out! Also, for Jake's studio in the basement or his room, he was given for any usage that wasn't a bedroom because he has one upstairs. He uses the room in the basement as a music studio. Think of a big room with many instruments, but not too big and not so many instruments but a lot. Then think of a door on the far right wall from the main entrance that leads into a smaller, but not too small room, that has a three-screened computer in the far top left corner from the door, then next to the computers is a door that leads into The Box Of Silence, a room where the singers can record their vocals if they're not singing for fun, then next to that door on the left is an actual closet with things like a music stand, speakers, and general things needed for music that Jake doesn't want to have littered around the room.

Jake sat on the couch in his basement room. (We remember his studio room in his basement from 'It Started At A Birthday Party'? Well, it's making a cameo!)

His extra room connected to his larger space of instruments was the perfect place to relax and ponder on that girl.

"Who is she?"  Jake asked himself. He then shook his head, "Does it matter?! She'll probably try to earn my trust and betray me like everyone else."

Jake laid down, upset at his thoughts. He felt like taking a nap to escape the world but was interrupted when his sister came in. (God, why am I making Jake sound so EmO?!)

"Jake?" Zoey asked from the door. She leaned on the frame and looked around the smaller room, "You okay? After what happened, I-" "I don't want you getting involved." Jake said sternly, cutting Zoey off.

"But!" Zoey exclaimed, "I'm- We're tired of seeing you get pushed around every single day!" She said, and Jake knew this meant a lot when it got Zoey upset, but then again, she gets upset about a lot of things.

"I know-" "You know!" Zoey exclaimed, cutting him off, "If you knew, why didn't you at least try to tell a teacher?! They might not do anything, but at least tell someone! Tell me, even Elliot, for Christ's sake!" Tears were seeping from Zoey's eyes.

Jake looked down. 

Zoey sighed, still crying, "I know who that girl is." She said, and Jake looked up, "Her name is Hailey Austin. She's a part of the school's music club as their president."

Jake nodded, and Zoey left the room, "How does Zoey know so much about people?" Jake asked himself. How his sister could just pop information about someone into thin air scared him. Zoey knows a lot about people, even things they don't know about themselves.

He wouldn't dwell on it longer. So, he decided to sleep on it.


The next day had rolled around, and people seemed to shove Jake out of the way more than usual, though it didn't bother him in the slightest.

What did bother him was how noisy homeroom was. He liked noise. But the class was louder than usual, and he couldn't focus on his late work. He decided to do it later.

Jake was just about to rest his head on the desk when the girl from before came up to him.

Hailey Austin.

Why she wanted to talk to him was a mystery. Though he wanted to tell her to shove off, a little part of him wanted to see what she wanted.

"Hello," Hailey said, "I'm Hailey. I was wondering if I could sit by you today?" Jake nodded at the question, and she set her stuff down on the empty desk next to him.

Awkward tension grew between them. He didn't do well with social interactions but could always work around them.

Hailey looked at him.

"So, I've heard a bit about you," She started, "Can you tell me if it's true or not?" Jake nodded again. Then he began to answer the many, never-ending questions.

It strayed from the false rumors that Tyler and his goons spread about him to some actual truths.

"So, you've choked on a spoon?!" Hailey asked, bewildered, and Jake nodded, "Why?!" Hailey's reaction was pretty funny.

"Well, It was a dare by one of my siblings, and as the eldest, I couldn't back down." Jake stopped, shocked as his personality was showing.

Hailey giggled, "So, you seem pretty family-oriented?" Hailey asked, and Jake nodded, "Well, I am too! I'm the eldest out of 3." She exclaimed, happy to talk about her family.

Jake nodded. But another question dawned on him. He decided not to ask.

Jake and Hailey chatted much more until first period rolled around, and they had to go to separate classes.

He surprisingly wanted to talk to her more. She seemed different from the rest.

A new feeling grew in him that he never felt before.

Again, sorry it took so long to get out. I was pretty busy heading down to Florida for vacation, and now it's 4 am because I woke up at 3, feeling like shit. I think I'm sick or smth. Oh well, I'll get better.

Anyways, I pretty much wrote a few hundred words in about 20 minutes, so I hope you enjoyed it.

See ya next time pals!

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