Prologue Pt 1. A Freaky Loner Like me

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Jake Sterling.

The most hated person at Rosemeadow High school. Sure. he might be the star quarterback, but he isn't liked at all.

He hums down empty, forgotten corridors while kids laugh at him.

You would think he'd get angry, learn to get used to it. At least, that's how Jake thought of it.

He has no friends, even including his two siblings and Daisy Lockwood.

His siblings have always been there for him. He is too.

He just can't wait to get junior year over so he'd be closer to finishing high school. He hoped, at least, the beginning and rest of junior year would be easy. is crueler to him than to anyone else. That was, at least, what he thought.


Hailey walked along to the music room, humming a soft tune when she saw two boys picking on someone. Despite being disliked by many, she knew she had to act.

The two boys she knew well. One, the blonde, also tried hitting on her, Tyler Bolt. The other, the brunette one that looked like Tubbo, was Jason Richards. Those two were well-known popular kids and friends with Drew and his group.

Tyler had been holding what seemed to be a lighter to the kid's throat.

"Hey!" Hailey shouted, hands clenched on her notebook. The two boys looked at her.

"Hey babe," Tyler called out as he walked to her.

"I'm not your 'babe.' I don't even like you!" Hailey exclaimed, done with his bullshit, "And you leave him alone!"

"He's a freak," Jason said, "He deserves it." The guy smiled.

"Tubbo looking ass," The kid said, and Jason looked shocked and angry. He turned around and punched the guy in the gut. The kid leaned down, clenching his stomach as Jason, then grabbed the guy by the hair and smashed his head into the lockers.

Hailey covered her mouth as Tyler grinned, "Nice one, Jason," Tyler laughed.

"Aw, is mister Simpling going to cry?" Jason mocked, "Why don't we-"

"That is enough, both of you!" Shouted a teacher, cutting Jason off, "To the principal's office. NOW!" The teacher yelled, and the two left. Hailey rushed over to the guy crouched on the ground.

"Hey, you okay?" Hailey asked. The guy looked at her with a somber expression.

"I'm fine," He said, "You don't need to get involved." Hailey looked shocked.

"But-" She couldn't even finish what she said as the guy walked away.

Something about the guy was different. She remembers seeing him around the school but by himself most of the time. He's different.

Hailey liked different.


"Why did that girl help me?"  Jake asked himself. There was no point in helping something that was already a lost cause, "No one's helped me before, so why is someone starting now?"

He didn't know.

But he does know someone who could, Zoey, would be able to find out who she was.

See, Zoey was Jake's younger sister and one of the most popular kids in the school. Ironic that Jake is the most hated, but Zoey still hangs out with him.

A Loner (Jailey - The Music Freaks)Where stories live. Discover now