Hunter Hero 3: After School

Start from the beginning

     Don't worry, idiots, I smiled while coming into the room, looking straight over to the corner Sylvia sat in while leaned over her phone. We only have a semester of this nonsense left before I get another cord around my neck and I know where I'm going to college.

     "Afternoon, Mrs. B," I smiled over at the woman in the corner that looked up over her glasses and away from the red pen she flicked away over a paper. "Is this meeting going to take very long? I just wanted to know for my ride."

     "No, only a few minutes. We were waiting for everyone to show up first before starting," Mrs. B sighed, looking towards the door beginning to close behind me and keep the cool air in. "But punctuality isn't a strong suit of high schoolers and we all have things to do with our day, so we'll get started in three minutes and be done by four o'clock."

     Neat. Right when the next bus came. I saw a few people let their shoulders down at that, but them being inconvenienced was typically my joy, so I took a seat in a better mood than before while texting Reed. At a club meeting. Do you think you could wait till four?

     The reply did not come instantaneously, but rather right as I set my phone down and looked up to where something was being projected on the board. The thing lit up as I turned it over. Yeah.

     That was what little brothers were for.

     "-this weekend's volunteer location will be-"

     "-driven by Mrs. B and her friend, and we managed to get two vans for this-"

     "-in charge is Sylvia."

     Oh? One of my brows raised while looking over at her. So they're throwing her a lowball event so she can knock out the leadership requirement this early in the semester. But then why isn't she presenting?

     Sylvia sat in one of the desks in the front row of the math classroom looking up at the slides, but she didn't say anything. The club president and vice president were running the meeting instead as I recorded the events, and I wondered if it would be too rude to write down Sylvia's lack of enthusiasm and leadership displayed towards the event. Mrs. B maybe thought the same, staring in Sylvia's general direction.

     "That's all. Thank you for staying after school for another while, we know it's a Friday. But we'll see you tomorrow at eight AM-"

     Oh come on-

     "-in front of the school, and in the appropriate clothes. Remember, pants you don't care about, good shoes, etc."

     "Alright, see you."


     "Hey, Ed," I stood up and looked around the room as people started to file out. The last to come were the first to go in the back of the room. My eyes tracked Sylvia all the way to the back, and then I turned shamelessly to watch her go. "Is it alright to put Sylvia in charge? I mean, I know she signed up for this last year and it's not a very serious event, but still..."

     "I know," Ed shrugged while taking his laptop back from Mrs. B. "We talked with her about it because we realized it wasn't going to be a very leadership-oriented event, and it wouldn't fulfill her requirements. She agreed to sign up for another event later in the semester to do a co-leading."

     "Really?" That was starting to fill me up with a certain sense of unease. "And you let her pick?"

     "Yeah," Ed glanced up at me while heading back to the front of the room beneath the projector, slipping his laptop into his bag. "I think something in September. The...The Orange Yard Project, if I remember correctly. Only one person signed up and we thought it was a lot of work and...I'm guessing that was you."

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