The Fung-moungus Apocalypse!!

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"Heyyy Raquieeeelle," her awful squealing horsy face comes into view.

"Hey Barbie," I roll my eyes and get up, brushing the glitzy dirt off of my impeccable outfit.

She smirks down at me and suddenly falls over nothing?!? Barbie starts screaming and rolling around like a freaking beached whale,

"She pushed me!! She pushed me!! It was an accident, Raquelle! I didn't mean to trip you, so why did you push me down?!" She starts crying and her tears look so fake that I could have sprayed water on her face and it would have looked identical.

"For freaks sake Barbra, I didn't push you," I rolled my eyes. But she wouldn't stop rolling around like some demented worm and screeching. I couldn't get over how much audacity this wench had.

All of a sudden the ground starts to rumble. The walls start shaking and crumbling. A gigantic piece of rock from the ceiling falls down, it crushes Barbie with a mighty splat.

As her blood and innards spray all of us peons my classmates scream. What a way to go.

Whatever, freak that prep bish.

Nevertheless, I had no idea what was happening. The ground continued to shimmy and shake, and under the classroom, a Brobdingnagian ravine opens its maw.


Without reprieve, strange multi-colored creatures begin to pour out of the mouth of the cave. They are sickly in appearance. Small backpack-like tumors on their backs, and green puss-filled pustules cover their warped heads. DISGUUUSTING.

They start to attack us.

"Nooooo my baby seal leather boooots," I scream as their warts begin to pop noxious acid all over the classroom.

Miss Mariposa like the boss bish she is, throws herself in front of me as a spray shoots my way. With a deafening howl, she begins to disintegrate.

A single tear rolls down my voluptuous cheek. Rip Miss Mariposa, I think as I do the Mockingjay symbol like my hero Katniss.

I run out of the classroom, I need to find my Premmy!!!

I find him trying to fight off some of the fung-moungus creatures with theater prop swords. He's so hot 😍😍😍😍😍.

I strut up to him, even the evident apocalypses couldn't keep us apart.

"Raquelle, you're alive, thank the lord," Premmy's caramel chocolate white rose voice caresses my ears.

"Ofc babes, I could never part from your phat ass," I respond cheekily, he blushes a shocking shade of rum raisin.

My brother speeds past us, goo destroying his ugly ass outfit. Good riddance to him, he literally stole my croissant this morning. I hope he dies. But alas, I have more important matters on my hands at the moment.

"Premmy hurry!! To my gold tesla," We gallop to the parking lot, dodging all the debris we can and we get to my gold tesla. Diving in right as a rock would have killed us both.

Breathing heavily I realize that Premmy had landed right on top of me!! His hard body covered mine lovingly, a perfect fit. I blush bright blue (I'm cold-blooded), and push him off. He smirks at me and I feel myself get bluer.

"Luckily my gold tesla is apocalypse-proof. My papa is really paranoid," I roll my eyes.

"Thank the lord for that," Preemie replies.

Before we could truly relax, a loud thump hits the top of the car.

"What was that?!?" I stage whisper.

Premmy shakes his head, "I don't know..."

The thunk sounds again, louder this time and closer to the windshield. My heart starts to beat rapidly and NOT in a good way.

Suddenly, three taps are heard on the side of the car. My heart drops as a hand moves into my field of vision. 

A/N- Hope you enjoyed more of this shit show, sorry it was so short, please let me know if you have any ideas for future chapters. I lit can't deal with this tangible reflection of how deranged my own mind is. Al this is all your fault, remember that.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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