School Starts with Stupid Brothers

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AN: HAPPY BIRTHDAY A.TTTT.! I hope you enjoy this monstrosity that I simultaneously hated and loved making</3 


My name is Raquelle Nia Kim. I am like super rich so I live in Malibu. I go to Shawdy prep high with all of these stupid prep simpletons. I have long wavy brown-black hair, a heart-shaped face, and I look like I am always wearing makeup even when I'm not.

Today is my first day of senior year. Yeah, I know, I'm old, but whatever you stupid preps. Today I am wearing a very special outfit. I have my black and white zebra print Louis Vuitton, a royal purple mini skirt from Prada, my bag is from Gucci, and my top is from this cute boutique down the street. But don't think that I picked any of this out, no that's my personal stylist's job. Shout out Nalu, you're a prince for your trendiness. I also have perfect makeup. It is so prep, but mother said that I couldn't wear chav makeup on the first-day >:(.

There is a reason I'm even more dressed up than usual. This year I am 18 so I can finally date the #1 hottie in my school. Why do I have to be 18, well because of the simple fact that that babe of a muscle man is 38. His name is Mr. Preminger, and he's the drama teacher at my school. I don't know why he is a teacher here because he should be a model or a superstar singer. He has thick white hair (so hot), and he is always dressed in purple. It's almost like we were made for each other!

He is so creative, sometimes he even comes to school in the most outrageously hot outfits, like who even has the guts to come to school dressed as a founding father, he certainly does.

I am so excited to tell him that we could date now, he was so honorable and refused to date me when I was a minor. Such a gentleman. Rejected all of my advances :(((.

I get into my gold tesla and start backing out of the driveway. All of a sudden, my yucky brother runs behind my car.

"What the f*** Ryan!!!!1" I scream. [AN: no cuss words ew]

"Give me a ride you wh***!" He yells at me. I scream in distaste. This rancid boy that I call my twin was not going to ruin my day before it even started. I roll my eyes, my perfect caramel orbs hoola hooping in my skull.

"Fine, get in looser," I yell prettily at him.

The turd gets in and off we go. I want to put the hood down, but I can't risk messing up my flawless ebony hair. Not that I could ever mess anything up about myself, I'm perfect.

"Why are we going to school so early anyways," the inbred asks.

I know that Mr. Preminger gets to school at 8 A.M. sharp, so I have to be there by at least 7:30, but I'm not about to tell that unfortunate waste of genes that. I decide to stick with something close to the truth.

"Because I'm the best"

The moron groans. Ha.

We speed down the road at 123mph because I'm not some loser who follows the speed limit and I need to get to school quick. After about 15 mins we finally get to the school parking lot. I give my keys to the valet, what did you really think I would park my own car, and the menace and I make our way into the school.

I make a B-line to the drama room. All of a sudden this beautiful angelic voice starts to flow through the hall. I feel my grin start to widen and I slam the door to the theater room open, skipping on in.

"Premmy baby! I'm backkkkk (and legal)!!!" I singsong.

He immediately stops playing the piano and turns to me, "Ahh Raquel, how was your summer?" Golden orbs pierce my skull and I nearly faint into his lap.

"It was so boring without being able to see you ALL summer looong," I whine.

This sexy a** man smirks at me, SMIRKSSS. I feel faint again. He slicks back his snow-white beautiful locks and says,

"I'm sure it was, I on the other hand was perfectly fine without your presence for the summer. "

My heart drops.

I back away from him, "What do you mean!?" I scream.

I start running out of the room, tears streaming down my face and messing up my stupid prep makeup.

A/N I can't believe I've created this pile of dumpster fire dog shit. Hope you enjoyed A.T.  

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