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[Steve] 1936

About a block ahead from our apartment was the little town square.

And let me mention something about that place. Logan keeps playing there, with her violin case open and a few quarters scattered inside it.

Only now the never-boring melody taps at my ears and my whole being never stop enjoying how beautiful she sounds. Even though she is just inside her room, I feel like she isn't with that hypnotizing music that she plays.

Anyways, besides the fact that our economy has been very low, Logan still manages to fetch some money to buy food along with her very low salary in the same factory we both worked as kids. Except I was officially fired because of my health conditions.

Sometimes I hate that, you know? Logan and I could be having a much better life if we just had a little bit more money.

But a few days ago, we got a letter from Bucky that he was coming over and he was finally here. Not only did he bring himself but a little cash too.

I guess being a soldier was a true honor and a very good job. Over the years, Buck had become from mascot all the way to a private and today-all three of us will pay a small visit to General Smith's home.

Bucky says that he is the one in charge of placing him in a higher level. The General said to bring his 'family' so he could get to know Bucky better.

I just hope Logan and I don't ruin his opportunity in the military.

"Steve," Bucky called out. "You ready to hail the taxi?"

He came out adjusting his tie so he looked presentable.

"Yup." I confirmed and pulled a coat over my small shoulders.

Oh and talking about small, I'm still the same height as when I turned fourteen. Just so you know that both of my best friends are way taller than me.

"Where's Lo?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Um...Lo?" I called out to one of the two rooms we had.

The sweet violin music kept playing on, but eventually stopped when she heard me.

"Uh, I'm changing!" She shouted over the bedroom door.

"Sure she is." Bucky scoffed playfully.

"Hurry up! Or Bucky is gonna kick the door open!"

"Shut up." Bucky told me. "Just hurry up Lo! I'm giving us five minutes only." He warned Logan.

"Ugh, you little saukerels." She spoke in her German accent (which I liked by the way).

Logan came out right on time looking as pretty as ever.

Her hair was down and her bangs were tied back with a ribbon the color of her dress. A beige purse hanged down her right shoulder. No make up was visible but she still looked like an angel.

Since the day I turned twelve-I'll admit: I developed feelings for her. And now I try to ignore them but it's quite impossible when she's being herself around me.

"Let's go Steve! What are you staring at?" Logan asked.

"He's undressing you mentally." Bucky smirked, causing Logan to gasp and quickly slap him right across the face.

I myself started choking on my own saliva.

You couldn't be more of a pervert could you Buck?

"What a sick arschlogh are you Barnes!" She exclaimed and raced outside with her light pink dress flapping gracefully in the wind along with her black hair.

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