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[Steve] 1930

Logan was there when my eyes fluttered open.

"Hi." I said groggily, bringing my arms up to rub my eyes, also remembering that I fell asleep on her.

"Hey." She replied back, my head still laying in her lap.

"How did you sleep?" She asked, placing a loose strand of my hair away from my forehead.

"Better than the floor." I said and she chuckled.

"Come," Logan ordered nicely as I stood up slowly. "Bucky's already eating breakfast and you're the only one sleeping here."

"How much more days till we get there?" I wondered while giving in to a quick yawn. I wanted this trip to end already.

"Just one day, Steve." She smiled. "Now are you coming or are you gonna starve to death?"

"Hell no." I said raising both of my eyebrows quickly.

"Then come on Steve." She grabbed my hand excitedly and led me down the small hallway of the train that led to the other car.

As far as I know, Bucky and Lo have been working their backs off in Mr. Lowell's store. They sure had to pay lots to get all three of us in this train. Breakfast included.

"It was about time..." Bucky exclaimed and took a sip of his orange juice.

Not many passengers were in this car. I guess I woke up at a late hour. The tables were nicely set up like the ones we see at small diners.

And from what I could smell, my mouth was already watering and my stomach was on the verge of growling.

"Come on, Steve!" Lo pointed to the seat beside Bucky. "You can't take a med with an empty stomach."

I barely noticed that there was a plate with two flapjacks and syrup.

"Shut it, Lo! Can't you see he's barely taking note of the flapjacks?" Bucky laughed.

"I'm sorry, Steve." Logan apologized in a joking manner.

"You both should just shut up and let me eat." I shook my head smiling and taking my seat next to Bucky.

The day in which we were to meet Michigan, was finally here. During the whole ride, us three looked outside the window nonstop and eventually turned our heads to talk.

Most of the time I was (and I admit) staring at Logan while she did her fair share of looking out the window.

One of those times, we both got caught up in an awkward situation where one of us had to glance away.

I couldn't help myself to. She was prettier than a dandelion.

"Hello Michigan." Bucky sighed in relief while he set the luggage on the ground of the train station.

"You know Michigan can't talk back, right?" I told him and he just rolled his blue eyes while Logan burst into giggles.

"You think you're very funny, don't you Rogers..." He said grinning.

I just shrugged and noticed an elder with a cardboard sign that said 'Sarah' with a heart next to it.

That was my supposed Grandmother. And the name Sarah belonged to my Mother.

I'm guessing it is a sign for us to know who she is. Some sort of code.

"Hey guys," Bucky pointed toward the person I was just looking at. "Isn't that Grannie Rogers?"

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