Chapter Twenty-Three

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Finney sunk into his chair as he leaned his head on his desk. He was so tired, and so bored, he couldn't focus. He just gave up trying after 5th period and just let his mind wander.

He was so bored, he didn't want to do any if his school work. Maybe he wouldn't be so bored if Robin was there. But it didn't matter, he didn't want to talk to Robin. Well... he did, but he just couldn't. It felt so awkward after what Robin did. He really did want to talk to him, it just felt so... wrong n9t talking to him for this long. They had made up, right? So then why was it so hard for him to talk to Robin?

It hadn't been hard before, well it was sort of weird before, but it wasn't a bad weird. He just liked being around Robin, he still did, but now things were different. He didn't feel differently about Robin in most ways, but he just really couldn't see him the way he did before. Things were just different.

He wasn't mad at Robin, he didn't hate him, he was just so confused about everything, his feelings. He knew he couldn't like Robin, that was just... wrong. Then again, what happened between them was wrong too...

Why did Robin have to do that? Now he was just in this position that was so confusing, he didn't know what to do about it all.

. . .

"Okay! I'll hand out the assignments, you can work together, or with a partner" Finneys Social Studies teacher, Miss Bluum announced. Finney kind of perked up a bit, taking his head off the desk. He had no idea what was going on, he hadn't really been paying attention.

Kids hurried around the room, pairing up with friends, while other worked by themselves, including Finney. He didn't really have any friends in 5th period anyways, or any friends at all for that matter, aside from Donna, and maybe Robin, but at this point, he didn't even know anymore.

"Hey, work with me." Finney heard someone say, Finney sighed quietly and turned, he didn't think anyone was talking to him, he didn't talk to anyone in this class anyways.

When he turned his head and saw a family red haired boy, Buzz. Finney stared at Buzz blankly, and just blinked.

Buzz avoided eye contact with Finney, but it was apparent he was talking to him. Why? No idea. He had been relentlessly bullying him a few months before.

"Uhm..." Finney mumbled. He didn't really want to work with Buzz, but Finney always had a hard time saying no. "Okay...?" He said after a few moments, dragging out the word longer than intended.

Buzz didn't say anything and just sat down next to Finney. Finney was too confused to just say anything, he simply pulled out his history textbook and began working.

Eventually, Finney got comfortable enough to actually do some productive work, and Buzz decided not to be a nuisance and did the same. Though, they didn't really talk, mostly just when they were confused on a question or something. Finney was still sort of confused. I mean they weren't supposed to talk to each other.

Well, it's not like they weren't supposed to, but it was just weird. A few months ago Buzz hated Finney, then after what happened, apologized to Finney, and now he was just doing this. Why was everything so weird? Finney, didn't really mind, I guess it took his mind off of Robin for a little while, Buzz wasn't that bad, but Finney still didn't really like him either.

They managed to get work done, thankfully, and then they had some free time. They didn't really talk to each other, they just kind of awkwardly sat next to each other as Buzz make stupid doodles of cats and shapes on a piece of notebook paper as Finney sat there picking at his fingernails and holding the tip of his pen to a piece of paper, letting the ink bleed through it.

The whole situation wasn't really... norma, but then again nothing really was normal any more. Either way, both boys didn't necessarily like each other, but they really didn't mind each other, I guess...

AUTHORS NOTE: I needed to get something else in the way of Robin and Finney for the time being so here's a chapter featuring a queer ginger kid. Also, guys I kinda wanna write new fics so if you have any fic requests please give them to me.

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