Chapter Twenty-Two

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      There was only a few more seconds until the end of lunch detention, Robin watched as the second hand on the clocked ticked away. 3...2...1...


Robin almost immediately go up from his seat and rushed out of the room as the bell rung. He did not want to be there any longer. He's actually much rather do schoolwork than sit there for the rest of the day. As he went to his locker, he saw Donna and Finney leaving the lunch room together. He quickly looked away from them. Right now, he didn't want to talk to either of them, he just wanted to go home...


The day seemed to pass slower than usual, maybe it was because he was tired, but Robin was just impatient, be just wanted to go home. He didn't really understand why he was so mad at Finney, was he even mad at Finney? They had made up right?

He thought he was mad because Finney was just ignoring everything, he was still partially ignoring Robin, and things just hadn't been the same. They hadn't been the same for a long time, since what happened, but Robin didn't want to admit it. He was really doing the same thing to. He was just pretending everything was normal since what happened, trying to make things seem better than they really were, but now that Finney wasn't with him as much, it just made everything worse.

He was kind of mad at Donna do, he knew it wasn't her fault, but Finney had just been spending all his time with her instead of Robin. They hadn't even talked before all of this, so why was she suddenly the number one priority?

Robin had no right to be jealous, it wasn't like Finney was his property and he couldn't talk to anyone else besides him, but it was still frustrating being completely avoided by him, and then seeing him spending all his time with some girl instead.

Robin sighed as he made his way to 5th period, just waiting for the school day to end. He kind of just wanted to go home and sleep, he wasn't even tired, he just wanted to go home and do anything but stay awake.

AUTHORS NOTE: My it's a short chapter but I have no ideas for this fiction anymore

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