Ch 2. Spew Lizard

Start from the beginning

Second day of tour and I'm hooking up with Andy's drummer. We make out for a couple hot minutes before he lays me down on the couch and is on top of me.

"God you're so fucking hot," I say pushing myself up to meet his lips, he kisses me back, hard, to push me back down. His lips leave and follow my jaw down to my neck. He knows what the fuck he's doing. I pull at his shirt and he stands up pulling it off and comes back down, "gotta make this even," he whispers right below my ear while his lips are agonizingly close to my skin. I sit up and he pulls it off for me, "mmm fuck you're hot," he growls before running his hands along my sides. "You're pants are annoying me," I pout at him and mess around with the zipper, he stands up and I follow.

I grab his hand and pull him to the back just in case someone walks in. Once we get back, and close the door he pressed me against it. I put my finger to his lips and he watches me as my finger moves down his chest then my hand down to his zipper. I look him in the eyes and move to my knees removing his pants keeping eye contact.

"Fuck," he lets out next to me, I giggle, "yeah." He pulls me on top of him and kisses me again, "okay hot guy, you've been missing for hours," I joke to him. I'll be honest I'd go ten more rounds with him if we weren't on a tour bus, with a show that we should already be in the venue getting ready for. I get up and grab my bag and outfit for the show and walk back to the room I left CC in. He watches me, with his pants back on, while I pull on my leather skirt and cropped tank. I brush my hand through my blonde and black hair and grab my venue bag with all my makeup. I get to the door before turning, "you coming?" He stands up throwing his shirt back on.

We walk through the halls together and he follows as I walk into the green room. This venue we're sharing two between all three bands.

A salad gets dropped in front of me at the vanity, "eat it," Bens voice fills my ears. I start working on my makeup and he pulls a chair next to me. "You and mister Coma were the last in, together," he plays with the words. I smile to myself and keep working on my bronzer. "You look like a commercial for sex," I push him away and he almost falls off his chair. "Fine be a bitch. Hey CC," he turns his head, CC responds for him to continue. "I've heard good reviews, Lizzy any good in bed?" Lousy fucking asshole.

The room choruses with noises of men finding out one of their kind got some. "Fuck off man," CC laughs not giving an answer in front of me. "God you're just upset I wouldn't sleep with you while you were married the first time," I taunt getting annoyed. I hate men, why do they get to dominate this industry?
"Alright I'll fuck off then," he gets up and walks away squeezing past Andy as he walks out.

"Who pissed the brit off?" Everyone's hands point to me, "I can see all of you in the mirror," I say back to the crowd. He takes Bens spot, "you look like you got your shit rocked," I'll regret this tour every day. "You jealous?" I play. He smiles and looks down hiding the paired eye roll, he's jealous. I finish my eyeliner as I talk and then get up to leave the singer in his spot. I don't even look that horrid. What is wrong with men?

I walk up to CC and sit next to him, he throws an arm behind me and pulls me closer. "You look hot, the sex hair really sells," he says quietly but above a whisper. "I tried a new hair stylist," I smile at him. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Andy watching through the mirror. He wants a show. "You guys don't play for a little," I play with his shirt, he smiles at me and I look up with innocent eyes. "You're so hard to resist," he whispers and leans his head over to kiss me for maybe a minute before we pull away. What can I say I just love a jealous man.


"Hey look, I want to play Sold Me," I tell the band as we're doing pre-show. "Are you sure?" Twist asks concerned, "I wouldn't say it if I wasn't sure," I answer standing firm in my decision.

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