"Who even are you?" I said. I had never seen this man in my life led along I don't know what he wants.

"Will you just shut the fuck up and come?" He said angrily. Who the fuck was this guy and why is he speaking to me in this way?.

"Or what?" I said now getting closer to his face.

"Or I'll kill you" he said as he pulled a gun up to the middle of my neck.

"Ok I'll go" I said as I raised my hands. This was the only time I was going to let this bitch get away with this.


It had first started with me and Connie inside of a cell for a few hours before they started to bring a few soldiers and civilians.

Luckily the cell was big enough to have a whole table with seats.

"So what is there nothing to do here but sit and wait for this to play out?" Connie said as he had a tea cup on his hand. He was standing by the cell while I was sitting on the floor with my back and head resting the wall.

"Here you like tea?" A man with a deep southern voice said to Armin.

"Yea thanks" Armin said as he took the tea.

"Hey Armin do you think you can bust us out of here by turning Titian?" Connie asked him. Was he serious? He's going to kill us all.

Armin took a sip of his drink before responding. "Afraid not, I'd blow up half of the town if I tired" Armin said In defeat.

"The Colossus Titian is powerful but it's far from precise, unlike Eren titan ." Armin adds.

"So.. how did Eren end up beating you to a pulp Armin? I think it's about time you told us." Jean jumps in. I couldn't help but get annoyed of the guy for even speaking. Why was he trying to start stuff.

"Eren was hurting Mikasa with his words, so I hit him. And he responded unkind." Armin said with his filtering grammar. Connie stopped sipping his tea after hearing this.

"Huh" Connie said

"Wait what do you mean he was hurting her what did he say?" Jean asked

"Mikasa are you ok?" I added now getting my back off from the wall.

"Well he- Stop" before he could finish Mikasa cut Armin.

"It's fine" Mikasa said shortly. She didn't seem too fine. She had a poker face like usual but her eyes told a different story. Her eyes looked sad and lost, the sparkle from her eyes was small and hopeless.

"No it isn't fine seriously tell me what he said to you." Jean said defensively.

"You act like as if your going to get out of this cell and beat the shit out of him" I said rolling my eyes from his words.

"Might as well let it go Jean, we already knew that he turned into piece of shit, but now he's lost his mind so completely that he went out of his way to hurt two only people he used to care about the most." Said Connie looking at his tea.

"Assuming that he hadn't just lost it. I don't see him doing that with some kind of reason, I wonder could he have some sort of hidden motive?" Jean asked to himself trying to take his actions to count. He had a point Eren isn't a guy to start shit just to hurt people.

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