Hold him

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Loki's pov

I'm staring a that high ceiling in my room thinking about her. Felling touch-deprived and wanting her arms around me and the smell of her hair close to me. Telling myself, you don't need it that bad, or what if she pushes your away?  But why would she push me away? Forehead kisses and long hugs is a thing we do to one another as a form of affection. 

Only moments pass before I set all thoughts aside and go to Y/N's room. As I walk through the compound of Midgard's finest hero's I meet the door to Y/N's room. I stand there for a few seconds before opening the door quietly. 

"Y/N?" I could hear her rolling over to the side of the doorway. "Loki. You're up late, are you ok? She sound so sincere and soft with her words. "I was wondering," as I step into the room, "if you could hold me?" As my eyes adjusted to the dark more and more I could see her sit up, surprised. I look down "It's and interesting request, I know b-." "It's ok. You don't need to make excuses for touch." 

I look up felling my heart beat get faster. It was faint but I could see a smile and her face, which make me mirror her's. I lean closer to the bed, a way of asking may I be next to you. Y/N moves over and flips the comforter over onto it's self for mr to get in. I gladly get in and adjust to get comfortable.

We're face-to-face once I'm under all the way. She has such beautiful eyes. As if they where plucked from the stars themselves. 

Y/N's pov

He's seems so nervous, which I find cute and a little amusing at the same time. I look away from his green-blue eyes to I look him up and down. No shirt, just black sweats. I put my hand in his chest to feel his heart beat, and it's speeding up. I smile as the feel of it.

I look back into his eyes. He's has his trademark puppy eyes on with his brows slightly frowned and with the softest smile I've seen on him ever. My hand touches him again, except this time on his cheek, cupping his face on one side. 

His hand goes on my waist, pulling me closer to him so that our chests are touching. Kiss him, I think. And with at I lean up and he leans down to meet my lips. It was as if our lips where made out of glass, it was so soft. My heart is racing that same as his now. As we pull away I lay my head on the crook of his neck. 

A few moments later, I look back up to him where he's already looking down. "The funny thing is I came here only thinking I would be held, not kissed." I froze and my smile faded. "What do you mean?" I ask hinting of the worst to come out of this. "I like the kiss Y/N, if your thinking otherwise, I'm glad I came here." I sighed in relief with a little laugh coming out at the end . 

"I thought you where gonna say something, bad." He kissed my forehead. "Only love is in my heart for you Y/N, not darkness, not hate, only love." 

I smiled big. I kissed him again and cuddled up to his chest wrapping my legs around his and he wraps g both arm around my waist, one over one under making me feel safe and secure with him. 

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