Part Four. Gabriel POV

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"Gabriel, Gabriel." The 'el' hangs every time he says it.
I peel my eyes open and look at him, smiling. "How can you not be too tired. I am. Too tired." I let my eyes close as I say 'too tired'.
He kisses my neck again, "I am, but I also need a drink. It's your fault my throat hurts, so I think it's only fair you get me a drink."
I'm exhausted. I look at him and then turn over, my back to him, "You are more than capable of getting a drink, Nathan."
He presses against me, and weaves his hand around my waist. I feel his breath on my neck. "Usually maybe." Shivers creep down my spine, and I my hips move into him like they have a mind of their own. He says my name, and my hips buck more into him. I feel him hard against me, he kisses and says my name more my hips bucking into him. But then he lets out a chuckle, kisses the back of my neck and slides off me.
"Gabriel." I turn to him. He stands, and his legs wobble. He sits back down and looks away, sheepish. I didn't heal after what we'd done, I like the scratches on my back reminding me of his state, and I definitely like the hickeys on my neck showing everyone I'm his. But I expected him to heal, I'm surprised he didn't. He doesn't like being vulnerable, I imagine him seeing it as weak almost. He couldn't run if he wanted to. And yet, my hickeys are still on his neck and there he is wobbling from me.
I smile at the thought and get up, grabbing our underwear and tossing a pair to him. I slip mine on, and watch him struggle to stand on his legs to pull his own up. He sits back down, and I walk up to him, use my hand to make him look at me. I lean down to kiss him, and slip my hand round his waist when he stands. We start to walk to the kitchen, but Nesbitt is sitting at the island. Nathan looks at me, an almost worried look on his face, "He is not seeing me like this." I feel a pang of jealousy thinking of anyone else seeing him vulnerable like this.
We go back to the room and he slides under the covers. "Lots of water, and something to snack on." He smiles then his eyes flutter close.

"What are you doing up, Gabby? Thought you'd be worn out judging by the sounds emanating from your room." Nesbitt grins, but he looks rough.
So I point that out, "You look rough, Nesbitt."
I smirk, grab a couple glasses and start to fill them with water.
He wipes his hand across his face, "I feel rough too. You however," he looks me up and down, "Look like you got sexed up by the half code. I heard you scream."
I grin at that, it wasn't me screaming. I try to wipe away my smile with my hand. Unsuccessfully. So I turn to start rummaging through the cupboards.
Nesbitt, almost the second I turn around, says, "Woah, woah, woah."
I roll my eyes, "Oh god. What?"
He stands now and wanders around me. I turn around to face him, thinking of the scratches all over my back. They burn, I know they are red and obvious.
His eyes go wide, "You didn't get sexed up by the half code. You sexed up the half code." He smirks and laughs. "You weren't the one screaming, were you? Oh are Nathan and I going to get a kick out of this." He turns and walks toward the bedroom I left Nathan laying in.
He's been gone a couple minutes, five max, so either he's dead or Nathan just doesn't have the energy to kill him just yet. I grab a bag of biscuits, and head toward the room. Maybe, just maybe, I can save Nesbitt.

"Fuck you." It's Nathan talking. Obvious.
I walk into the room, Nathan's wearing his jacket and the bottom half of him is under the covers. His jackets big on him, covers the hickeys I left on him. He looks up at me, his eyes soften for a split second but then return to icy and dark, "Thank god Gabriel. Please get Nesbitt out of here before I kill him." He glares at Nesbitt.
Nesbitt grins, it's like he doesn't think Nathan could. I don't think Nathan would kill him, but he's capable. "Yeah thank god you're here Gabby! Nathan was getting lonely, and cold without his lover." He has a mocking voice on.
I hand Nathan a glass of water, then put the other one and bag of biscuits on the bed side table next to the lotion. It's open and on its side, relatively empty. Nathan swears at Nesbitt again, then gulps down all the water. Nesbitt, still cocky as shit, "I can't imagine how thirsty you are Nathan. All that screaming. I thought it was Gabby over here at first. Til the screaming turned into Gabbys name. You crazy animals woke me up."
Nesbitts grinning but Nathan looks pissed. I step between them, I think Nesbitt really has a death wish sometimes. Nathan gets up, his legs don't wobble and his hickeys are gone. He healed, I get upset for a second but shake it off. He growls and spit flys out of his mouth toward Nesbitt, "Fuck you, Nesbitt. I'd turn around and walk out before I cut out your tongue. You'd be much more pleasant to be around if you couldn't spit out bullshit."
Nesbitt smiles and as he turns to leave, "Touchy, touchy."
Nathan sighs and lays back on the bed. I sit next to him, place my hand on his thigh. I don't know if I meant to say this aloud or not but, "I wish you didn't heal. I liked you having marks from me. Wobbling because of what we'd done."
He looks at me,"I'm sorry." His eyes genuine, "Nesbitt knows how to get under my skin. Plus, I don't like the thought of him seeing me the way I let you see me."
I don't like that thought either honestly. I want to be the only one to ever see Nathan vulnerable. He's always so intense. I stroke his thigh with my thumb, "He's doing it on purpose. He likes to get under your skin. He really loves you though."
Nathan rolls his eyes, "Shit.." he sits up and rips open the bag of biscuits and pops a couple in his mouth. "I wish he'd love me a little less openly then."
I laugh at that, and he says after he finished his mouth full of biscuits, "I won't heal next time. I like feeling safe enough to be like that..." he lets his sentence hang, looking for the word.
"Vulnerable?" I ask.
He nods slowly, "Don't really like the word, but I suppose. Yeah. Vulnerable works. You're the only person to have ever made me feel safe enough for me to let myself relax." He throws another couple biscuits into his mouth and smacks them around. Pulls off his jacket and drops it by the bed.
I lie back, rest my hand on his back, caressing the bottom of the W, as he gulps down the second glass of water.
He wipes his mouth and leans back. I slide beside him, nuzzle my nose into his neck and kiss.
He says softly, "Give me more."
I stop kissing him and breathe out, "I'm far too tired. I don't have the stamina." I let out a laugh. It's the truth.
He laughs now, "Not what I was talking about." He looks at me and blushes I think, "I meant hickeys. Though it sounds silly now. But I was thinking about what you said. I like the thought of people seeing them, on me. A" hand quotes, "'hardened black witch. Son of man eater Marcus'" he laughs but continues, "having a soft spot. For you." He hides his face, "I'm not saying it right. Just forget it."
I move his hand and kiss his lips, "I like the thought of everyone thinking I'm crazy for" My turn for hand quotes, "'taming' the beast." I smile and move toward his neck. I hear him laugh as I suck on his neck. I leave four purple marks on his neck before moving back to his lips. I smile and admire my work, "That should do it."
He smiles at me now, and kisses me. I rest my head on his chest. Dozing off to his heartbeat.

Fan Fic based on the series Half BadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora