Part Four. Nathan POV

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I wake up still laying on Gabriel's chest. I swallow, but my mouth is dry and my throat hurts. My first instinct is to heal, but I don't really want to. I like the buzzing feeling from him being in me. I like the sore feeling my neck has from where he was sucking on me. And more than anything else, I like feeling safe enough to not heal. To sit here in this state, and not feel nervous.
I peel off him and sit up. Wipe my face, and feel my neck. I know there are marks, it's sore. I stand and my legs are uneasy underneath me. They wobble and I sit back down. I smile. Gabriel is the only person I trust enough to see me like this. Weak.
I inch over to him, and kiss his neck, softly saying, "Gabriel, Gabriel." Letting the 'el' hang.
His eyes peel open and he looks at me, smiling. "How can you not be too tired? I am. Too tired." His eyes close slowly as he says 'too tired'.
I watch him for a second. Swallow again. Still dry and sore. I kiss his neck again, "I am. But I need a drink. It's your fault my throat hurts, I think it's only fair you get me a drink."
He looks over to me, he looks exhausted. He smiles, and turns his back to me. He has lots of long, bright red scratch marks along the top of his back. "You are more than capable of getting a drink, Nathan."
I press against his back and weave my hand around his waist. I say against his neck, into his ear, "Usually, maybe." I smile when I get what I wanted, his hips buck into me. I chuckle, and kiss the back of his neck. I realized earlier tonight, talking into his neck makes him lose control for a second. I kiss his neck a few more times, whispering Gabriel into his neck, my dicks getting hard with him bucking his ass into me. But..
I slide off him, and sit up. His back is still facing me. "Gabriel." He turns to me, I stand and my legs wobble. I sit back down and hide my face from him. I'm kind of embarrassed, though I don't know why.
He gets up and tosses me my underwear. I don't look at him as I stand to pull them up. My legs wobble and I quickly have to sit back down. He walks up to me, I keep my eyes on his feet, but his hand makes me look up at him. He kisses me and wraps his arm around my waist when I stand.
We head to the kitchen but Nesbitt is sitting at the island. My eyes go wide at the thought of him seeing me like this. Weak. "He is not seeing me like this."
So we go back to the room and I slide under the covers and tell him, "Lots of water. And something to snack on." I smile at him and let my eyes close.

I'm laying peacefully, my eyes closed thinking of Gabriel when I get a feeling I'm being watched. I assumed it was Gabriel so I smile then open my eyes. And I'm unpleasantly surprised to see Nesbitt grinning in the doorway. My smile fades to a scowl.
Grinning he says, ornery as shit, "So Gabby looks like he fought a big cat. It sounded like he fought one too. He's got narly scratches all over his back.."
I roll my eyes at him and grab my jacket. I don't want him seeing the hickeys.
He's been blabbering on about Gabriel fighting a cat as I throw my jacket on me and make sure it's covering my neck I ask, "What do you want? Why are you here?"
He grabs his chest like he'd just been shot, "Nathan. Buddy. Pal. I just wanted to hear about your new lover."
I cringe at the word. "Lover? Are you an eighty-year old woman? Or a dike couple?"
He puts his hands up in defense before continuing, "So..Gabby's a nice guy. He's always had a thing for you. Looked at you like you were...I don't know...not a wacko that has threatened to kill him multiple times." Of course when he says something not annoying he has to finish it off with, "I see your lotion is gone. I can definitely bring you both more. Seeing as you guys can't-"
"Fuck you."
Gabriel enters the room, he's beautiful. "Thank god Gabriel. Please get Nesbitt out of here before I kill him." I make sure to shoot Nesbitt a nasty look as I finish off my sentence.
But this only makes Nesbitt more cocky and in a mocking voice, "Yeah thank god you're here, Gabby! Nathan was getting lonely, and cold without his lover."
Gabriel walks over to me hands me a glass of water and places a bag of biscuits and another glass on the bedside table. I swear at Nesbitt again then down the glass of water Gabriel handed me.
Nesbitt just loves to test his luck, "I can't imagine how thirsty you are Nathan. All that screaming. I thought it was Gabby over here a first, til the screaming turned into Gabby's name. You crazy animals woke me up." He's grinning. Cocky bastard.
Gabriel stands between us, he knows me too well. But it's too late. I'm pissed. I heal myself up quick, and shove past Gabriel getting into Nesbitt's face. I growl and spit flys out of my mouth, "Fuck you, Nesbitt. I'd turn around and walk out before I cut out your tongue. You'd be much more pleasant to be around if you couldn't spit out bullshit."
Nesbitt smiles, I want to kick his teeth out honestly. He turns to leave humming, "Touchy, touchy."
I sigh and flop down on the bed. Gabriel sits next to me and places a hand on my thigh. He says in a monotone voice, "I wish you didn't heal. I liked you having marks from me. Wobbling because of what we'd done."
I look at him. I didn't want to heal, I'm not sure why I let Nesbitt under my skin the way I do. All I wanted was my legs not to wobble so I could get in Nesbitt's face, but now thinking about it the hickeys are definitely gone too. I wish I hadn't. I liked having them. I liked my legs wobbly because of him too, but I couldn't be weak in front of Nesbitt. I look at Gabriel, "I'm sorry." And I really am, "Nesbitt knows how to get under my skin. Plus, I don't like the thought of him seeing me the way I let you see me."
He strokes my thigh with his hand, "He's doing it on purpose. He likes to get under you skin. He really loves you though."
I roll my eyes and curse. I do know that. But he really pisses me off. And sometimes I really do consider cutting his tongue out. I rip open the bag of biscuits and pop some in my mouth, "I wish he'd love me a little less openly, then."
He laughs and I continue, "I won't heal next time." I'm being honest, not just saying what I know he wants to hear. "I like feeling safe enough to be like that.." my sentence hangs, I'm not sure the word. Weak isn't exactly right.
I nod slowly, "Don't really like the word, but I suppose." Vulnerable. That is much more fitting than weak. "Yeah. Vulnerable works. You're the only person to have ever made me feel safe enough for me to let myself relax." I pop more biscuits into my mouth. I'm being honest. Even when I was with Gran and my siblings, I could never relax, always worried, never telling them the whole truth about me. Then I was with Celia; obvious reasons to why I never felt safe. Then Annalise. I thought I felt safe with her, but she never really knew me. She knew the White half. But never the Black. I knew she wouldn't- couldn't- accept that half of me. I toss my jacket to the ground, his hand caresses my back as I gulp down the second glass of water.
I wipe off my mouth, trying to forget the memories that are trying to bust through. Gabriel, like he knows, slides beside me and nuzzles his nose into my neck and kisses it, soft.
I'm thinking about the hickeys I left on him. I don't want him to heal them away. I wish I hadn't healed mine away. "Give me more." It slips out of my mouth, not really meaning to.
He stops kissing my neck and lets out a breath. "I'm far too tired. I don't have the stamina." He laughs.
I laugh too, "Not what I was talking about." I look at him, my cheeks feel flush, but I continue. "I meant hickeys. Though it sounds silly now. But I was thinking about what you said. I like the thought of people seeing them. On me." Hand quotes, " 'A hardened Black Witch. Son of man eater Marcus.' " I laugh at the thought of how shocked some people would be seeing a soft side to me; Clay, Jessica, Walland, Soul. The people who never saw me as a person, just a half Black. "Having a soft spot. For you." I hide my face with my hand, embarrassed. "I'm not saying it right. Just forget it."
He moves my hand and kisses my lips, "I like the thought of everyone thinking I'm crazy for 'taming' the beast." He smiles at me, and moves down to my neck. I laugh as he sucks on my neck. He sucks for a little while then moves to my lips. He smiles at me again, and moves my chin looking at what he'd done. "That should do it."
I smile at him and kiss him. He rests his head on my chest. I'm happy. For the first time, I think.

Fan Fic based on the series Half BadWhere stories live. Discover now