Chapter One ~ The Odd Meet

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"I'm gonna miss you, Sam," I whispered in my best friends ear as I hugged her goodbye. It was finally the day that I was leaving for my first camp for the England squad.

"I'm gonna miss you too, but you can call me whenever you want, plus, it won't be for long," She replied, hugging me tighter before letting go, "now go, I'm pretty sure your driver just rolled his eyes," she joked.

"alright, I'm going, I'm going, I'll call you tonight, yeah?" I asked, to which the brunette nodded her head and kissed me on the cheek. Quickly, I picked up my bags and headed towards the black car that had pulled up, Sam still waiting at the door.

"Sorry for the wait," I laughed nervously, as the driver opened my door for me and I climbed in.

"no problem, miss," He smiled before picking up my bags and placing them in the boot of the car. Soon after he got back into the drivers seat and began our journey to St George's Park.

This was really happening...

*Two Hours Later*

After what felt like days, we pulled up outside St George's Park and my door was pulled open. I sat for a few moments just taking in what I was about to do, before I plucked up the courage to get out of the car and collect my bags from the boot.

It looked exactly how it always had in all the camp photos I had seen. well, of course it did, but you know what I'm on about. Once I had my bags, I made my way up the stairs and passed a camera where I was fist pumped. This made me giggle as I had watched so many tik toks where they had done this.

At first, I thought I was one of the first ones there as it seemed quiet, but as I walked through the doors I saw the group of people that I had looked up to for years. Of course, I knew a few of them from the arsenal squad and they had already taken me under their wing, but this moment was still surreal.

"Tara!" I heard a voice call. As I looked up, I was met with the eyes of the one and only Leah Williamson who had soon wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug.

"Hi Le," I laughed while the blonde held onto me, "erm Le, I want to make it out of here alive," she let go and looked me in the eyes.

"are you okay?" she asked and I laughed at her protectiveness before nodding my head and giving her a reassuring look, "Okay good, you're gonna love it here I promise, do you know who you're roomed with?"

"erm, no, I was about to check," I was really hoping I would be with one of the Arsenal girls but with Leah being the captain and Beth and Lotte being a bit older than me, I knew I wouldn't be.

"oh no, I already checked for you, you're with Ellie," she said before I could even ask, "you know who that is, don't you?" she added. She pointed at the blonde who was still stood with the rest of the group.

"oh yeah, Man City... I know her," I replied and Leah sighed, knowing that I was okay with the rooming. After Leah's pointing, the blonde had moved her attention to the both of us but quickly looked away, what was that all about?

"Right, let's go and introduce you to everyone," Leah, who hadn't noticed Ellie's odd actions, suggested.

"Oh, I'd rather get settled upstairs first, is that okay?" I asked and Leah raised her eyebrows.

"Are you sure? the girls are really excited to meet you, T," She pushed and I glanced back at the group.

"I'm sure, I'll come say hi later, you still up to introduce me then?" I asked.

"Of course I am, Right, I'll take you up to your room but promise me you'll come hang out with us later?"

"oh, I was planning on ignoring you all the whole time... is that a problem?"

Leah laughed and pushed me in the direction of the stairs, "oh shut up, you've been here five minutes and you've already annoyed me," she joked before leading me up the stairs to my hotel room.

*Thirty Minutes Later*

After Leah left, I started to unpack my bags a little to make it easier when it came to getting ready. I had a quick shower too, travelling always makes me feel really dirty, whether on a train or a posh car. after getting into one of my England tracksuits and drying my hair a little, I heard the hotel room door open. Ellie.

"Oh hi," the blonde said as she entered the room, smiling a little but still not much, "I'm Ellie," she said.

"yeah I know, hi, I'm Tara," I replied nervously, I still didn't know if her actions earlier had meant anything or I was just overreacting.

"Yeah, I've seen you at matches before, nice to properly meet you though," she smiled a little bit more this time.

"you too," I smiled back. There was something about her, maybe it was the way she kept eye contact through out the whole conversation, or maybe the way she seemed to keep her gaze on me once we had finished talking. Perhaps it was the way her hair fell perfectly from her ponytail and down her back. I don't know. But I could tell she was going to be special...

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