My Oc's

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Name: Matthew Queen

Parent(s): The Evil Queen

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bi with a male preference

Powers?: Dark Magic

Side: Villain

Personality: smug, sassy, witty, no filter, rude, likes to make the heroes suffer

Appearance: My pfp minus the pointed ears. He has normal ears

Likes: practicing magic, pulling pranks on the heroes, making mischief, practicing his evil laugh, being royalty (even if his mother married into it)

Dislikes: Snow White, goodness, heroes

Other: is a killer baker when it comes to apple related products, owns 47 (and counting) crowns, has a rivalry with Maleficent's child because their mothers have a rivalry


Name: Mack Beauty

Parent(s): Queen Aurora the Sleeping Beauty and King Philip

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: he's not sure

Powers?: falling asleep whenever he's pricked by a sharp object

Side: Hero

Personality: cautious, self-conscious, anxious, can often be tired

Appearance: blonde hair, violet eyes, pale skin

Likes: studying, taking power naps, avoiding sharp objects, being good

Dislikes: sharp objects, Maleficent's family, evil

Other: his favorite flower is roses which is why you can often find him sleeping by rose bushes, likes to play chess with Rapunzel's child

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