We settled into our last day and do all of our favourite cabin things, a hike, a barbeque, a hot tub relax and three passionate sessions in various places around the chalet. Our phones are full with real moments between the two of us - of us learning what we're like as a couple alone for the first time ever.

"Remember when I used to sneak into your room in Atlanta?" she asks, we're talking about the first film in our favourite dinner spot out back, overlooking the lake. I remember it fondly, her seeking me out without Jacob was somewhat addictive. I nod, "The first time you did it, I thought it was because you felt sorry for me, I was convinced it would be the only time you did" I reply, "but then it became regular, and - well I can be honest with you now, I was like a fucking teenager, I'd go to my bedroom earlier than I would have otherwise just incase it meant that it was one of those nights. I'd try and see in your eyes when we were with the others whether tonight was going to be one of those nights and I almost never got it right".

"I felt like a fucking teenager too, I'd test my ability to just be alone in my room, not be a weirdo. But it gave me a thrill to sneak in to see you, and I just craved that time - to get to know you. I'm sure Jacob and Rosie knew - right? They probably thought something was going on between us then" her voice is so calm it soothes me, I love reliving the memories with her.

"He never brought it up with me" I reply honestly, "although he made many a sly comment to be that he knew that I had feelings." I'm sure everyone knew, I don't think I did a particularly good job at hiding it. Not according to the teenage fans that make compilations of me staring at Z lovingly on youtube. Funnily enough, it was actually when I saw my first complilation of 'Tom and Zendaya flirting' did I realise that maybe it wasn't all in my head.

"Good thing we've both learnt how to speak our feelings" she smiles, "else we would have got to fifty and still been flirting". I laugh, it's true.

I would pay good money to still be at her side at fifty.


All day I am living out my dreams of being a superhero, and then at night I transform into a teenage boy. Sitting in my room casually scrolling on my phone, playing fifa or writing - just to see if tonight is the night she's going to knock on my door. I didn't expect it to happen again, but it did, and the again - and now over the past few months she comes in at least 3 times a week, sometimes more - and a few weekend evenings she's even fallen asleep here.

Nothings happened though, but even with nothing happening they are the best nights. We are really good friends now, she and I - I've never met a girl that I've gotten along so well with. With my brothers only able to visit for a few days at a time, and Haz having only come for a week a month back - I need her. I'm thinking that feeling is reciprocated, she's important to me now. This isn't just a bubble thing, or I hope it isn't, she is someone I can imagine having in my life for a long time.

I'm permanently exhausted, but that's just the new normal to be honest - workouts before we start filming, insane sequences all day long - sliding in and out of the spiderman costume in a studio filled with green. It's really a lot - but they've now started giving us every weekend fully off to do second director stuff, stunts, and things like that. So technically on paper that means I can have a lot of sleep catching up at the weekends.

But in reality, it's those nights that we stay up late with Jacob downstairs, then when he actually heads to bed - we usually find each other for a DMC and stay up even later as a result. Even though I could easily sleep right now, I'm hoping tonight is one of those nights. We watched a movie, ordered takeout and came up twenty minutes ago - our usual goodnights were said as a group - now it's ten past twelve on a Friday night and I'm watching the door wondering if she's coming.

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