"Please give me back my bag, Sana." Dahyun begged for Sana again but he didn't listen.

Sana got really annoyed as he pulled up the stand of his motorcycle and got down. Dahyun got confused but before she reacted, Sana lifted Dahyun as if he's carrying a soft lightweighted pillow. "HEYYY!!! PUT ME DOWNN!!!!" Dahyun tried struggling from Sana's grip.

"Now you must go home safely. Your dad is not here to protect you so I must protect you and earn your parents trust alright?" Sana smiled. Dahyun was flabbergasted about what he said to her.

Sana puts his helmet on her head gently and now he's ready to start the motorcycle.

"Don't worry, I'll drop you down blocks away so that your father don't notice that I sent you home." Sana said. Dahyun smiled but it was hidden because of the helmet. "Now hold on my jacket if I'm going too fast. I don't want you to fall from the ground." Sana said and starts driving.

Dahyun's POV

Sana is a bit weird today. Why is he very concerned about me and my safety. He's not like this before. Maybe something happened to him? Or Did he hit his head real hard this time????? What is going on with this guy....

30 minutes later

"Hey we're here. Are you sure you can go with your own?" Sana said. "Of course I can. Actually I can handle myself properly but you're so stubborn. You still insisted to take me home even though I'm not asking you to." Dahyun scoffs.

"Well, I don't want you to be in danger. I won't let something bad happen to you. Your dad will blame me if I let you go on your own." Sana debates. Dahyun couldn't use her last words anymore because maybe he's being for real this time.

".....Why are you doing all of this? You know.. You've been acting really weird ever since earlier in the morning. You just can't stop smiling at me, weirdly complimenting me all of a sudden and even enhanced flirting skills?? And now taking me home?? Why are you being too kind to me?" She finally spoked after she cleared her throat.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me Ms. Nerdy-looking-princess." Sana smiled softly. "I actually don't express myself through words but I do it in actions. Can't you see that I'm trying to repay you your kindness towards me?"

Dahyun raised her right eyebrow in confusion. "What kindness?? You mean the tutoring thingy??" Sana nodded in response. "Cute." Dahyun shakes her head.

"Sana, I insisted to do free tutors even though I don't get paid for it. Because I'm really bored and I want to practice teaching and also for my daily communication." Dahyun explained.

"But still, Thank you. You're showing kindness to me even though we're not friends or something." Sana said while searching for something on his pocket. "Here's the payment. Remember not to tell anyone about how I acted towards you and also this personality has an expiration." Sana said as he handed a 3 thousand dollar to Dahyun.

"Sana, I don't need money." She said while pushing Sana's hand away. "Take it or leave it." Sana said. Dahyun got a little bit scared and just took the money. "Thank you. But you really don't have to do this. This is a lot for me." She said while looking at him worriedly.

"It's not a lot for me but don't worry. I ain't concerned about the money, so as my father." Sana tapped Dahyun's shoulders. "Btw I also payed you for treating and worrying about my right arm." Sana added.

Dahyun just stood there while looking at the cash.

"Here's your bag, your parents must be very worried about you." Sana left a thumbs up reaction and drive away as he disappears from Dahyun's vision.

Why would he do that... How can he gave me such a huge amount of cash without getting concerned...

Dahyun lifts her bag and walked on her way home.

1 minute later

"Dahyunnie, why came home so late?" Dahyun's father took a sip on his cup of coffee.

"Oh I'm tutoring a classmate earlier and got home very late because of the traffic." Dahyun replied. Dahyun's father smiled and continued his reading.


I don't get him at all. He's very unpredictable.......


"Now you must go home safely. Your dad is not here to protect you so I must protect you and earn your parents trust alright?"

Dahyun's face turned so red after she recalled what Sana mentioned earlier.


"Sorry for that. You're just so pretty I can't help but to focus on you instead of the questions and your silly instructionsㅡ"



"Nice try baby girl, but I can see that your ears are telling me how they want me to kiss you right now."

She can't stop kicking her legs and screaming on her pillow while recalling all what Sana said to her earlier.

And after that she didn't get enough sleep....


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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