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"How can you return home if your arms are injured?" Dahyun said looking at Sana's right arm. "Are you aware that you are unable to use your motorcycle???" She said, feeling worried about Sana.  "Why do you feel the urge to face that jerk?" Dahyun rolled her eyes. "What if he does anything wrong to you again?????" Sana didn't want to see Heechul's face because he'd punch it right away if he did. "....This is all my fault; if I hadn't decided to walk into that dark alley, none of this would have happened....." Dahyun lowered her gaze, refusing to leave the clinic. "Because you're a moron. You're already aware that walking there alone is risky." Sana chuckled at the girl's dramatic acts as he began to gaze at Dahyun's lovely face. "Stop staring at me, Sana; I fear you've been infected by that sexual deviant and have become one of his squads." Dahyun burst out laughing as Sana covered his ears.

"How cute...."  Sana took a moment to observe Dahyun's smile before turning away. "Have you ever been in a relationship?" Sana asked Dahyun, whose eyes grew sparkling in anticipation of her response. "I was never interested in dating. All I know is that I need to study." Dahyun gave Sana a kind smile as he pursed his lips. Sana is well aware that even if he is a terrible kid, he has no chance of being accepted by Dahyun. 

"It's my father!" Dahyun pointed her index finger to the person who was getting out of his car. Dahyun was about to run to her father when she noticed Sana sitting on the back of his motorcycle. Dahyun was hesitant to make a move, "Y-You can go with us. You're still hurt, aren't you??? You thought I was going to abandon you here?? No way! We're going to take you to your own house." Dahyun dragged Sana by his left arm. 

"W-What are you talking about????? Are you fucking drunk?!?!?!? You're acting strangely right now." Sana was shocked by Dahyun's sudden movement. "Like i'm serious, I'm not going to kidnap you or something. You can leave your motorcycle here. Now come on, you can only ride when your right arm is completely fine." Dahyun said, rolling her eyes and then dragged Sana towards her father. "I mean, I can call my own parents to come over, right?" Sana removed Dahyun's grip from his wrist. But when Dahyun's dad saw him, it was too late. "And what's the name of this attractive young man??" Dahyun's father chuckled. "He was the friend who rescued me from the dark alley, and I'd like to repay the favor since he helped me last time." She looked at Sana who was really shy meeting Dahyun's father. "Aigooo! My daughter is growing up way too quickly! I'd prefer to have you as Dahyun's boyfriend." He added. Dahyun just rolled her eyes as they got inside the car.

"So, mister, could you tell me your address?" Dahyun's father genuinely smiled at Sana. "At the XXXXXXX" Sana said nervously as Dahyun's father nodded and the car started.


"Oh! So you live in this mansion?? You must be rich." Dahyun's father smiled at him as Dahyun guide Sana not to hit his right arm. "Y-Yeah..." Sana awkwardly laughed and slowly waved his left hand to Dahyun. "Thank you for taking me here Mr. Kim." Sana smiled at him as the guards opening the gate for Sana.

"Oh, Sure you're always welcome." Dahyun's father smiled-back as he started the car once again.

"Dahyun-ah....Are you sure you two are just friends???" He said, looking at Dahyun. "Of course, we're just friends. Nothing more." Dahyun smiled with her eyes. In Dahyun's father's eyes, there is still hope for Dahyun and Sana to be together. "I mean, when I see that boy I really think he's the one for you..." Dahyun's father mumbled while looking at Dahyun's innocent face.


"What happen to face?" Sana's father put down the wine from the table. "Fist fights....??" He added. Sana didn't say anything and tossed his bag on the chair. "I warned you not to get into fist fights?!" Sana's father yelled at him but he just ignored his father's words.

".....I'll transfer you to another school the next time I hear you're into fist fights.."

𝐁𝐀𝐃 𝐁𝐎𝐘 - [SAIDA AU]Where stories live. Discover now