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"YAH! YOU LITTLE BITCH, WAKE UP!!" Dahyun's mom started kicking the door. "THIS SHIT...." Dahyun isn't moving any muscle and so her mom started to drag Dahyun's legs.

"'s still early.." Dahyun weakly said as her mom smacks her head. "IDIOT! LOOK AT THE TIME NOW! DO YOU THINK IT'S STILL EARLY???? GO PREPARE YOURSELF." Her mom pulled the curtains so that Dahyun could see how bright the sun is...just like her skin..Dahyun groaned as she lazily lift her towel


"First day of school and you're super late??" Her dad raised his eyebrows and sips on his coffee while Dahyun is still walking lazily at the stairs. "Yeah, thanks to mom." Dahyun rolled her eyes and pick up her bag and shoes.

"Do you want me to drive you there, sweety?" Her dad asked her and she just politely nodded.

Dahyun enters the car and so her dad. "First day of school and you'll make new friends." Her dad smiles at her and she smiles back. Dahyun got bored so she wears her wireless earpods and clicked on her piano record. She felt relaxed as she looks at the cars window.


A minutes later, They arrived at their destination. The JYPARK ACADEMY. She exitedly got off the car and she waved her hands for her father. "First day of school, let's go!" Dahyun whispered to herself.

When she got inside the gates, her eyes became wide when she saw her new school looks like

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When she got inside the gates, her eyes became wide when she saw her new school looks like.

She entered inside the building and her jaw dropped of how beautiful the school was. She continue to walk inside the building.

When she's near the locker, she felt students are staring at her as she walk. But she's wrong, they're not staring for Dahyun, they're staring at the person behind Dahyun. Dahyun saw a big shadow on her side, she stoped walking and the shadow stop too. She slowly look behind her. Dahyun eyes become wide as she dropped her books on the floor.

A tall handsome man was looking at her. His hands are inside his pocket. Dahyun stared at him for a second and so the students did the same. "Would you mind????" The tall boy asked rudely. "I....uh...s-sorry for blocking your way." Dahyun bowed and immediately gather up her books. "Tch.." The tall boy kicked her books that made it scatter on the ground. Dahyun sighed at the Tall boy's action. "Such a rude person." Dahyun rolled her eyes and she continue to walk through her class.

She's on the C class. She dropped her head down to fix her hair and entered the classroom. The loud students welcomes her. The classroom is full of paper planes and dust. "This classroom is a trash..." Dahyun whispered to herself.

She sat on her perspective seat. Later the teacher came in the door. The students quickly got on their seats. "Everyone in this class! I have to introduce to you our new student, Kim Dahyun. Please stand up Ms. Kim?" The teacher politely smiles at her. Dahyun stood up and bowed. "I'm Kim Dahyun, nice to meet y'all." Dahyun smiles brightly.

"Nice to meet you too, you may take your seat. Everyone! Please get your Mathematics--" Sana opens the door widely. "Ohh...well..Mr. Minatozaki Sana. Planning to skip this class???" The teacher crossed her arms. "No, ma'am i'm--"

"Enough of your excuses, Mr.!" The whole class laughed at him. He glared at them so they stoped. Sana was about to go through his seat when the teacher called him. "Oh! Btw, Mr. failed my class, i need you to find your own tutor or i'm going to tell your father about this." Sana sighed and massage his temples.

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