"Language, I'm your older brother

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"Language, I'm your older brother." That menace has the audacity to laugh and smile while you were seated on to the sofa with the help of your best friend. "Yoon please stop it, it looks bad." Jimin comments, rounding off the sofa to go and bring the first aid kit and you just sit there glaring at your smiling brother. "Alright sorry, but it was partly your fault." He says, after seeing how your toe was bruised and you just shake your head. There was really no remorse in his tone and now nothing could be done about your injured toe.

What are you going to do with this man.


Okay, coming to work was not a good idea.

Wait let's rephrase that, coming to work with a bruised toe and pointed heels was really not a good idea.

Here you were in middle of a meeting room trying not to cry or tear up because every time you literally took a breath your leg hurt like a bitch and it was again your fault for being so clumsy. The black heels were doing nothing but giving you a torture as you curse yourself for thinking you'd survive the entire day in this footwear. Well in your defense this was going well with your black suit and the amazing pants you wore and which woman could ever deny pretty shoes?? No one. Even if that means torturing yourself

"I'm planning to kill myself one day for real." You sigh as you wait for the meeting to start. Taehyung was not here since he was supposed to be escorting Ms. Xumi out personally as she was one of close friends of their family I guess? Well as far as you know the woman was old, probably in her late forties and was known for her fabulous creations in the Jewellery industry. Her pieces are famous around the entire world and they cost millions of dollars, she was a big deal and her being in here would surely benefit this company a lot.

There were a few more people inside the meeting room, Yeonjun already present and was talking to some lady from the technical department -- there were two executives from the Kim's Jewelry brand which was mostly managed by Namjoon but the older was probably busy sorting out the buisness in overseas or else he would have been here too. Opposite to you was a lady from the developing department and now you just waited for your boss to head in.

Just as you spoke, the said man strides in all confidently while helping the older woman and you couldn't help but notice the way his black suit fit him so well, his chiseled jaw being highlighted as he escorts a woman inside the room by holding her hand. Everyone in the room bows as the elderly woman gives a tender smile, she just sits down and watches everyone with kind gaze and despite of the pain you manage to give her a small smile which doesn't look like a grimace.

You waited as Taehyung sat down on his usual chair and the meeting began, you fortunately didn't have to present anything on the screen today yet it was required that you give some introductions and stuff which was your daily work. After what seems like ages the meeting comes to an end but every bit of this was so painful, you had to stand throughout the entire thing and it sucked real bad because of your leg. You know no one noticed it and it should just be fine but it was making you anxious to think that you messed up this entire meeting.

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