Chapter 11: Magic Preparations

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"Master put a little more energy!"

"I am trying!"

I'm currently in the kitchen making the potion that will help me strengthen my vessel.

The recipe only needs Ricons and horned bee honey to mix it in a tea infusion, and that's it. Easy and simple!

The reason why such an easy potion has not been discovered is that nobody likes Ricons.

Ricons are considered magical fruits that are hated by spirits due to their bitter taste and because they have a low amount of mana compared to other magical fruits. But they couldn't be further from the truth. The ricons are rich in mana.

What happens is that the manna inside the Ricons is simply coagulated, so it is difficult to get the most out of the Ricons if they are eaten raw first.

Besides, There's a reason Celine taught me healing magic before anything else. The reason is simple. The way to process the ricons is through healing magic.

With healing magic the coagulated mana inside the fruit will dissolve, and its taste will be much sweeter and when combined with honey the magical tea will be ready.

The only difficulty is that if you want it to work, you have to get enough juice out of the Ricons. If we want to make a comparison it would be like squeezing lemons to be a full pitcher of lemonade and for each lemon it first has to go through the process of healing magic which makes it hard work for me.

I'm still learning, which is why I still get tired after using magic several times in a row, although this helps me practice and relax my vessel a bit. After processing ten ricons, I poured the honey and the squeezed juice into a jug.

The next thing was to put mana into the ladle, like Xander put mana into his sword, which he would use to stir the ingredients.

Stir a few times and... Ready!

"Congratulations master! I can say that this ricon tea is extremely effective. Your vessel will become much stronger if you drink all the tea."

I was tired after so much work, but if what Celine was true, it will have been worth it.

Without any more seconds to lose, I took the jug and drank all the tea until there was no any drop left.

"Ha... I feel full." No wonder, who wouldn't feel stuffed after drinking a whole mug of tea?

But I could feel how my mana was quickly recovering and also how my shoulders felt a little lighter.

"Master! The potion was a success!" Celine said. He only just drank it, but his mana is recovering faster than a normal mana potion, and also his container is stronger than before, if the potion continues to take effect throughout the day I was sure that mine container will be five times stronger than before.

Hehehe, very good, very good.

If I take this tea about three more times, my bowl would no longer have to be so delicate as to break and be a threat to my life.

"Master, just by seeing your face, I can know what you are thinking." I could hear a rather annoyed tone in Celine's voice. "Master, remember that this beverage will only make your vessel stronger, not bigger."

"But didn't you say that you would be in charge of taking my surplus?"

"Sure, I feed on the master's leftover mana, but even a spirit can fill up on so much mana."

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