Chapter 6: Magic Test

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How did I get to this situation?

It all started this morning when the head butler, I think he, mentioned that his name was Hector. (I was surprised by his name, I had though for sure that his name was Sebastian.)

Hector had brought me breakfast in bed, it was some delicious pancakes with chocolate, jelly and some strawberries. Truth to be told, it was very delicious. But I couldn't finish it all, hey it's wasnt my fault, if it had been up to me, I wouldn't have left anything on the plate. The problem was that I have very little appetite, even in my second life I didn't use to eat much.

Seeing that I hadn't finished eating all the pancakes, Hector looked at me with a strange expression.

Please don't scold me! It's not my fault that Im already full!

I thought he would reprimand me for not finishing my breakfast, but he just ordered the maids to bathe and fix me, which I deeply refused.

In none of my past lives did I had been is this situation before. One would suppose that the son of a duke would be used to this treatment, that would be normal, but the maids of the secondary mansion stopped doing it when I had turned seven, and then they never did it for me again. To summary up, I was used to getting myself changed and that wasnt going to stop now. So I run to the bathroom and wash myself, of course Hector objected, but I already took care of it, so it's too late to complain about it.

Then Hector gave me some clothes that I think belonged to my brother when he was younger. I don't know how tall Xander was when he was my age, but these clothes were huge on me.

Hector laughs saying. "Looks like we'll have to order a lot of clothes for the young master."

I quickly refused, telling him that it was fine. That with this and my clothes in the secondary mansion it was enough. As a result, Hector sent some servants for all my belongings. Well, it's not like it's a difficult job, since I have few things that I could call my own.

When I'm ready, Hector brought me to my father's office once again, before my incredible nerves, I start to tremble a little.

Calm down me! You can't show yourself like that to the duke!

I breathe a little to calm my nerves. Then I entered the duke's office again.

Upon entering, I meet the duke, my brother and a beautiful woman that I didn't recognize, but judging by her clothes I think it has to be someone from the temple.

Before I can analyze the situation, the duke speaks, with a more friendly tone than usual.

"Good morning, Andrew, did you have a good night?"

"E-Eh, yes, I say, G-greetings duke I wish you a good day too, I appreciate your concern. I spend the night without problems."

Heck, I didn't expect the duke of all people the duke was going to ask me about my morning, making me nervous instantly.

The girl next to the duke only had a small laugh. Which made me blush.

Will I ever stop being embarrassed?

"Well, I'm sorry to interrupt your rest, but there are several reasons why we called you."

I swallow hard, this conversation got very serious all of a sudden.

"First of all, I wanted to inform you that we have already taken care of the problem of the secondary mansion, from now on you will live here, later we will prepare a suitable room for you."

"Eh, thank you, your excellency, I appreciate your great kindness in letting me stay here, but there is no need to give me another room the one I am in now is more than enough."

"...No, you will have another room."

Said the duke with a severe tone, as if to tell me that this was something that was not open to discussion. That made me a little more nervous, so I just nod at his statement.

"...The second thing is that we need you to do something for us.

"What could that be?" I asked.

"I just need you to touch and focus your concentration on."

He showed me a white crystal ball, similar to those used in the ceremony of attributes. The difference was that this was only one sphere, meanwhile in the ceremony where six spheres, one of a different color depending on the element. The attribute assignment ceremony takes place in the temple where there is a large hall with six of those spheres and the children take turns to be the test. Where every time someone undergoes the test, they step in to the center of the hall, in front of the spheres, then one of the sphere will light up depending on your attribute. As you can guess, in my second life when I did the test, none of the six spheres shone.

I don't know very well why the duke wanted me to do this, but I gulp and approach the white sphere. I was sure that nothing would happen, but the moment I touched it, a great light swallowed the entire room.

Thats what brought to this point.

A blue light swallow up the entire room, it was everywhere. After a few moments I felt how my left shoulder burned, Moments later, the sphere I touched broke into a thousand pieces, and with that the light finally disappeared.

Oh this is bad.

They all had a weird expression on their faces, to make matters worse, all those looks were directed at me!

Ah, they must be mad that I broke the sphere. When I did my assignment ceremony many years ago, we were told that those spheres were invaluable.

My face turned pale.

How about the duke kicks me out of the mansion for this? I didnt have a penny under my name to pay for it!

That couldn't happen, he quickly threw me to the ground in a show of repentance.

"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to break your priceless sphere, please forgive me!"

I didn't hear any response, but I didn't dare raise my head, a few seconds of awkward silence passed, until the woman in the temple clothes spoke.

"Don't worry about it, this was just an old trinket, come on, get up." The woman kindly helped me up, and continued talking. "We haven't introduced ourselves yet, have we? It is a pleasure to meet you, young master, my name is Rosina, and I am the high priestess of the water temple."

"Your holiness."

"Well, leaving the greetings aside, tell me, how do you feel? Does it hurt somewhere?"

"Um, nothing in particular, just burns my left shoulder a little." I answered with a bit of discomfort, I was going to be honest, I felt uncomfortable. I wasn't used to people worrying about me.

Putting aside my discomfort, telling him that my shoulder was burning, the duke quickly stripped me of my shirt. He had a strange look on his face, but I couldn't figure out what the duke was doing.

"I knew it." The high priestess spoke quietly, but I was able to hear her. Paying more attention to my body, I had a strange mark on my left shoulder, although from my perspective it had a shape similar to a crescent moon.

Everyone was surprised by the brand, although in a way, I wasn't. I couldn't explain very well, but instead of panicking at the new mark on my body, I felt warmth, something telling me this wasn't a bad thing, or maybe I just wanted to believe that.

After a while in another awkward silence, seriously, what's wrong with you people? I have reasons to be quiet, but what's wrong with you? Did the cat eat your tongue or what?

"Ahem, Hector. Sent Andrew into his room, sure he'll still be tired after all this commotion."

"As you order."

The duke was the first to break the silence, and just like that, I left the room together with Hector.

I came back with more questions than I came with. But hey, I have other things to worry about.

At the moment this brand, which gives me a certain warmth, is the least of my worries.

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