Chapter Ten

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Maelin looked at Arye, feeling distraught. She hadn't meant to send him the memories, but in what she assumed would be her final few hours, maybe even minutes, she had suddenly remembered the important events that summarised her life.

"Sorry." She tried to put what she was feeling into that one word but she wasn't sure if it worked.

"Maelin." His voice cracked at her name, what he had just seen lingering just behind his eyes. She looked away, thinking that he would be disgusted at her, "Are you okay?" She looked up again, surprised, and he gave her a faint smile, which she returned.

"Yes." She then turned back to the portal, almost glad that he knew. At least she was less of a mystery to him, now. Suddenly the realisation that she would be able to see her mother again hit her, and her eyes filled with tears, "Good bye Arye! Thank you!" With this she stepped into the portal. Her homeland had a creepy air about it. All the demons that would have normally been there had fled in terror, and all that she could hear was the rapid panting of Cynthia's Vulpid. The poor creature was terrified; it was shaking violently in a tree near the portal. Though the Gyrendor wasn't in sight, its presence was obvious. Other than the alarming lack of demons, trees were shaking and the ground was trembling, making little stones bump up and down. She shivered; she was as scared as the Vulpid, though she tried to hide it.

She climbed into a tree as well, clinging to the small hope that maybe, just maybe, the Gyrendor wouldn't pat attention to her. It seemed quite likely, now that she thought of it. After all, it hadn't stopped for any other demons.

Climbing to the highest branches, she kept watch. Soon she could see a great disturbance in the trees, and she quickly hid herself among the branches.

Please leave me alone. Please leave me alone. Please leave me alone. She chanted in her head, repeating the words over and over until they blurred into a jumble.

The rustle was getting closer, and her chants were getting louder. Soon she was murmuring it to herself, then speaking it, then soon she was shouting to hear herself over the now incredibly loud sound of the Gyrendor.

With a silence louder than a building falling everything stopped. She could suddenly hear her rapid breathing clearly. The silence disturbed her, she couldn't even hear the pad of soft paws on leaf mulch. Shivering suddenly, she cursed her recklessness and peered through the branches. Nothing.

She heard a low growl behind her. Turning, she saw two pairs of gleaming black eyes. Screaming, she fell back and out of the tree as the Gyrendor pounced. It recognised her as a creature it had been instructed to maim or, if needed, kill, and was merely following orders.

Two pairs of its long black claws pushed into her and she flew the air, landing with a sickening crack against a new tree, the bark hard and unforgiving. Groaning, she tried to curl into a ball on her side, but no such luck. Again she was struck, this time she was lifted and thrown. When she landed, she looked up to blinding white light. Squinting, she realised what it was: the portal back to Arye and his world. A plan formed.

She slowly, painfully, crawled to her knees. Then she slowly, painfully, rose to her feet. Her legs trembled and threatened to give way, but she managed to stay standing. The beast paced back and forth in front of her, it's six whip style tails lashing back and forth, curling and uncurling, swishing back and forth. This would either work or it wouldn't, there were no second tries or chances, it was this or death.

She hunched over, grimacing in pain, and watched it as it paced back and forth. Suddenly, it whipped around and jumped into a charge, racing for her. A flicker of movement in the trees told her that the Vulpid was watching, as well as Arye. She smiled slightly, despite the situation. All this happened in a second.

It leaped. Faster than light it sped for her, but she was ready. Just as it seemed it was about to hit her and all would be over, she darted to the side. With a roar it flew past her, leaving a large claw mark in her leg, and into the portal. With a snap it closed and disappeared, never to be seen again.


Hello everyone! Thanks for reading this chapter, I hope you enjoyed it. I'm sorry I didn't get this out earlier, I wasn't feeling my best and school is taking its toll. Also, having work deleted is always disheartening. Anyway, its finally out and that's what counts. Again, thank you for reading and please remember to vote, comment and follow!

Also, how old do you guys think I am? I'm curious (=

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