Chapter Seven

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News spread that the King needed the strongest summoners to open and keep open a portal for a long period of time for him. This would require the ability to keep open a portal for at least two hours, which pretty much meant nobles and a couple of skilled second year commoners. Cynthia signed up immediately, and was accepted immediately, due to her father's friendship with the king.

As for Arye, he had no chance whatsoever at being accepted. What he did discover, though, was that the Maelin was kept in a separate cell during the night. This one was deep underground, to decrease the chances of her escaping while the Provost slept. It was a cage inside a cage; the cell was locked inside a concrete room with an iron door, two guards standing at each entrance.

Arye had seen the cell on his way back from the King, when he sneaked a glance through an iron door and saw a tray of untouched food, strands of black hair and red fox fur littering the ground around. When he asked the messenger, he simply stated the cell as 'the demon's sleeping quarters'.

Arye and Cynthia formed a plan together. The King had sent a Gyrendor, the highest levelled demon known, into the Ether. Most demons would be at risk of being attacked by a flock of Shrikes or such, but no wild Ether demon would disturb a Gyrendor on the hunt. This also meant the King could control his demon without the usual precautions, which to him meant lounging in his quarters while only looking at his scrying stone occasionally.

When it was time for Cynthia to keep the portal open, in theory they would be able to send Maelin through and she could escape to her people. The only problem was freeing her.

It was night. The King had thought it more likely to spot demon-humans during night, as most powerful demons were nocturnal. Cynthia was on the last shift, making it less likely that they would be seen, and the only problem was if the Gyrendor came back early.

Arye crept through the halls, keeping a mental map of where he was. First he had to pass the marble staircase that lead to the Provost's office, and then take the fourth hallway on the right. Follow that for an eternity, at least it felt like an eternity, until the carpet was gone. Take the first staircase seen.

It seemed simple enough, but he still had the guards to deal with. He slowly crept down the stairs, getting deeper and deeper. The silence was eerie; the only sound was the soft pad of his boots. Where were the sounds of laughter that guards usually made? Even if they were well trained, there was usually at least the gentle clunk of shifting boots.

He shivered, from fear rather than cold, and lifted his lamp high.

A body lay sprawled on the ground in front of him. His eyes were wide in terror, his hands pressed against his ears. His mouth was wide open in a silent scream. Arye pressed his hand against his mouth, stopping the scream that had threatened to come out. He stepped over the dead body and passed the door without a thought, eyes fixed on the second body further down the stairs.

This time the man, though still clutching his head, had blood trickling from his mouth and his legs twisted at an odd angle beneath his bloodstained body. The sympathy and fear Arye felt was overwhelming; it was obvious who had done this. Maelin had broken out of her cell and would be heading for escape. Which meant Cynthia would be in danger.

He was about to turn to run up the stairs again when cold steel was pressed against his throat. He let out a yelp of surprise, then quickly clamped his mouth shut again as the kitchen knife, for that was what it was, drew a faint trickle of blood.

"Mae... Maelin?" Arye choked out, careful to not make any sudden movements. The pressure on his neck lessoned, then drew away completely.

"Arye?" She replied, and he turned to look at her.


Maelin regretted killing the two guards, but she would regret killing Arye even more. They had a sort of bond, as two younglings would have together. The trust in his eyes as he looked into hers was unbearable. Still, she couldn't show mercy; surely he was a pawn sent by the King.

Forcing daggers into his mind, she grasped it and pressed it, confining it, destroying it.

Maelin! Maelin Stop! He screamed, but she didn't. She kept forcing her way into his mind, forcing it to think only of dying. Maelin! I'm trying to help! He sent her a picture of a girl, his friend she thought, concentrating on keeping a portal open. A portal home.

Immediately she stopped, but still firmly grasped his mind. She sent no regret, though that was what she felt. He sent mixed feelings of relief, betrayal and anger.

What is that? She growled to him.

A portal to your home. Cynthia is keeping it open, you should be able to go in and escape. As soon as it is closed it is unlikely you will ever be found again. Please, let go of mind. He pleaded with her, and though she searched she could not find any trace of untruth. Maybe he was trying to help. She slowly let go of his mind, being careful to make every move deliberate.

Take me there. She felt his feeling of exasperation before she released him, grabbing him to make sure he didn't fall. In single file, they ascended the stairs.


Hey guys! So sorry for the long wait, I was part being stupidly childish and part being lazy, but I'm hoping to publish a chapter almost every day until the story ends. Unfortunately due to homework and after school activities I may not be able to do this but I promise I will try!

I would like to take this chance to this chance to thank Spencer_Paton, CandyPro12, OwlFeet, Rex750, deantelivingston, Lyconides and W1lB0y for voting on at least one chapter. Also, a big thanks to CandyPro12 for commenting, and an even bigger thanks to Spencer_Paton for asking awesome questions (which often help me to think about the storyline and any plot holes) and being there from the beginning. All you guys are amazing!

Remember to vote, comment and follow!


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