Chapter Three

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The next time he saw her was during lessons. It had been a couple of weeks since they had officially started, and Arye was getting into the feel of things. Unfortunately, there had been a slight accident involving some stairs and the demonology teacher, so the Provost was conducting lessons while he recovered. On the second one he brought the demon girl.

“Today we are studying rare species of demons, in particular this kind,” The Provost started, shoving the girl forwards, “She is very rare indeed, and the only kind we know of that can take control over minds. Let’s have a volunteer to show this ability. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she is gentle.” The Provost violently whispered in her ear, and she nodded, and then made a small gesture. The Provost nodded this time, “Arye, would you like to come forwards.”

Shocked into submission, Arye stood and walked over. Why had been chosen, when he had already felt what it was like. He had to admit, he was scared of her, and didn’t want to let her take over again. Still, he was curious to see if it would be different this time.

“Look into her eyes, Arye.” The Provost told him. She looked at him, and he looked at her, and their gazes met.

This time definitely was different, for it felt calm and soothing.

Can you hear me? He thought, as an experiment.

Yes. He could feel the surprise in her thought, No one has tried to speak with me before.

Hasn’t the Provost spoken with you? Arye asked. He had seem them talking. Or at least, he had seen the Provost talking.

So that’s what you call him... He’s spoken to me, but never let me reply. I can’t control his mind, it’s heavily guarded. She replied, and he sent a feeling of understanding, I hope you don’t mind, but Master wants me to put you through some simple exercises. I’ll be gentle. He sent a feeling of submission, and let himself sink into her gentle grasp.

He could feel himself being nudged forwards, gently at first then, when he refused, more firmly. He remembered what she had said and took a step. Slowly at first, then going faster, he walked around the room, up and down the isles of students, then sat down at his table, wrote something he couldn’t see, turned the paper upside down, then walked back to the Provost.

“Alright, that’s enough. I think the students understand.” The words seemed to ripple on the edges of his consciousness, and he struggled to hear.

The girl’s control over him lessened, and then disappeared completely. He stumbled and would’ve fallen, but she caught him at the last moment. She quickly let go and stood away, not looking at him. He returned to his desk, and then remembered the note.

Help me.

Two words, no more.


That afternoon he went back to his room, troubled. Cynthia came soon, too. She had been at the lesson, seen him be taken over by a demon.

“What did it feel like?” She asked. Now that she was allowed, Cynthia let her demon out. Surprisingly, the first year commoners hadn’t been taught yet.

“It was very different from the first time. It was sort of nice, I guess. I just had to relax and it was okay.” He explained to her, deciding not to mention their conversation, “What did I look like?”

“Well, your eyes turned bright green, like hers, and went all misty. You looked like you were frozen, until she made you move. It was kind of creepy,” Cynthia explained, going cross-eyed in an attempt to mimic him, “What did she write?”

“Oh, just a random bunch of symbols. I don’t think she knows our language,” He lied, not knowing why. Now that he thought of it, how did she know how to write? Had she picked it up from a memory of his? Or had it been his own skill that had lent her the ability. Whatever it was, she had sent him a message.

“It would make sense, I doubt that if there are more of her kind they would be able to speak our language. The chances are low.” Cynthia thought aloud.

“Yeah... I wonder if she is the only of her kind, or if there are more. Does she miss them?” Arye asked to himself. She had written Help me. Did that mean help her escape? And if so, where to? Back into the Ether, or just away? He did hope her could help, but how?

“I had never thought of that. Do our demons miss their families? They seem to love us so much, though. Maybe they’re like pets, who quickly forget and get over losing their families, while she is like us, always holding our loved ones dear to ourselves. I wonder why we haven’t ever seen others of her kind before,” She then rose to her feet, speaking as she walked to the door, “I should probably go now, the other nobles will be wondering why I’m spending so much time with a commoner.”

“Bye.” He said to no one, and was left alone with his thoughts.


Hello! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, the next one is coming soon (maybe even today!). Thank you to everyone who had voted for, commented on or even just read this chapter. Thanks, and remember to vote, comment and follow!

Demon Girl (A Summoner Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora