Chapter Eight

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Arye had been stunned when he recognised the feeling of his mind being taken over. It had started off strong, and only gotten stronger until he had gotten across that he was trying to help. Now he was walking up the stairs, feeling betrayed, leading Maelin to her freedom. Nothing was going to plan.

They slunk through the hallways, as quite as church mice, making their way to Cynthia. As they reached the hallway the room was in, they heard voices, recognisable voices.

"Come to me when you're done, I want to know as soon as possible, so can summon other summoners." The Provost chuckled at his pun. There was no reply, "I'll get going, then. Your time should be over soon."

There was a soft murmur of reply from Cynthia, and then a shadow appeared at the doorway. Tail whipping, Maelin tried the nearest door. Locked. Arye tried another one, which opened with a loud groan.

Maelin hissed but ran, immediately vanishing into the shadows. Arye was about to step in when he heard a loud voice.

"What are you doing, boy?" The Provost boomed at him, and Arye flinched at the loud voice.

"I was... Umm... I was coming to check on Cynthia and... Umm... Check on her..." He finished lamely, nervous. He had come up with this excuse earlier, but now that he was using it his mind had gone dead.

"At this time of night? And, boy, what on earth were doing in that room?" The Provost continued, his voice angry.

"You, uh, made me nervous. I wasn't thinking." Arye knew he was terrible liar, but he thought he was doing fairly well. The Provost seemed to think so, too.

"Okay, boy, I'll let you off this time. But if I see you sneaking around after this there will be consequences." Arye gulped, but he didn't think there would be any other reason to sneak around after this. Would there?

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." Arye thanked him, then at a gesture from the Provost quickly walked into the room Cynthia was in. He heard the Provost's steps fade away, and breathed a sigh of relief. He hadn't discovered Maelin, and Maelin hadn't taken the opportunity to take him by surprise.

"Arye?" Cynthia said the word with difficulty, her energy from keeping the portal open so long almost gone, "What... Happened... To... Your... Hair?" Arye looked at her in shock, and then burst out laughing. He realised he must've messed it up when Maelin had... He didn't want to think about it.

He felt her presence enter the room, and stiffened slightly. He fully expected her to run into the portal, and never look back. But instead she walked slowly up it, and looked back at them.

"Thank you." She turned, and then stopped abruptly. In the Ether, the pebbles were shaking and the trees swaying back and forth. She turned and looked back at them, eyes wide with fear. She made a noise like an animal's growl, which then turned to a yelp.

"The Gyrendor!"


Thanks for reading! Just to warn you I didn't edit this, but you're welcome to alert me if anything is amiss. Please remember to vote, comment and follow!

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