✧*̥˚ Sleepover *̥˚✧

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I start to make my way across the yard with my sleepover kit tucked under my arm when my phone begins to vibrate. I stop to look down at my phone and the contact 'DO NOT ANSWER' flashes across the screen.

Fuck. That was most definitely my ex-boyfriend, Jax. Was I ready for this? I sigh in defeat and hit 'answer.'

"What do you want, Jax?" I don't try to hide my obvious vexation.

"Baby girl, don't sound so excited to hear from me." Jax's familiar voice chimes on the other end of the line.

"What do you want," I huff, already exasperated from this conversation.

"Calm down, Kestrel. I just wanted to see if you missed me yet? It's ridiculous that you felt the need to move hundreds of miles to get away from me."

"Jax, I moved away for a reason. I don't want to be with you anymore. Please leave me alone." It's like trying to reason with a brick wall.

"Kes, c'mon. We have so much fun together. You love being around me."

I bursquely reject that sentiment by retorting, "Fuck off, no I dont." I'm about ready to end this conversation when I hear that familiar change in his tone.

"Yes, you fucking do. Don't be such a whiny bitch. If you don't come to your senses soon and come back to me, I'll drag my happy ass down to Texas and bring you back myself."

He hangs up before I can argue back. I look down at the disconnected call with blurry vision. Was I really about to cry over this prick again?

"Who was that, Kes?"

I look up and see Joel standing in his front yard, hands shoved into the front pockets of his jeans. The deep-seated lines in his forehead are more pronounced than usual as he looks at me with concern.

"Oh, it's n-nobody that m-matters anymore," I say as I try to hold back my tears and disguise my voice, albeit very poorly.

Without a word, Joel walks over to me and wraps me up in a gentle but stern hug. I don't wrap my arms around him but I rest my hands on his chest and bury myself in his shirt and hard chest.

I sniffle in his shirt but I don't let my tears betray me.

"C'mon baby girl, lets get you inside." Joel guides me to his front door and let's me in.

I wipe my eyes and soak in Joel's home. The living room is directly to my left and is decorated nicely. On the west wall is a beautiful brick fireplace lined with built-in bookshelves on either side. A comfy couch and matching love seat catty-corner the fireplace. A dark mahogany table is perfectly centered between the seating area and the fireplace. I take notice of the empty scotch glass on the table, leftover from some other night I assume, with a dried water ring underneath. I wonder where that scotch is.

The living room's north wall opens up into the kitchen, no doubt. To my right I see a doorway that must lead to a study of some kind. The bottom of the stairs begin just a few feet after the study and ascends to where I assume the master suite and guest bedroom belong.

His home smells like him- a bit of must that underpins the scent of pine needles and wood.

Joel beckons me up the stairs and points at the room to the left, "That's the guest bedroom where you can stay. My bedroom is over here to the right, although you probably knew that already."

I momentarily forget that I'm sad, and let out a breathy giggle. "Ha, ha. Thank you, I'll go set my stuff down. Do you have anything to drink? Preferably something strong?" I look up at him with pleading eyes and try to put on my best innocent face. I poke my bottom lip out into a pout when he doesn't respond right away.

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