Dad's getting yelled at

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5 days later

The phone rings and y/n picks it up due to her parents are in another room. "Forger residents." The girl states. Her eyes light up with excitement before she takes the phone away from her ear and places a hand over the speaker. "Dad, the tailor's calling!"

Loid takes the call and calls with a smile. "Hello? Oh, yes, hi. What? It's done already?" Anya peeks her head from the couch in curiosity while y/n rocks on the heels of her feet. Anya falls to the ground and spy rolls her way to her father as the man finishes up the call. "All right. We'll come pick up the order today. Thank you." With that, Loid returns the phone into the receiver." Once close enough, Anya jumps up with her arms reaching up. "Are the uniforms done?"

Loid smiles at his youngest. "Sounds like it." He takes out a folded paper and hands it to Yor. 

But I have my briefing today.

Loid, now dressed in a trench coat and having a briefcase in one hand, he holds the paper with his other. "I'm sorry to trouble you, Yor, but could you pick it up with the girls for me? I got called into work." He explains as Yor examines what's written.

Yor nods. "Of course. You can count on me." Anya holds out Loid's hat for him to take it as the man explains. "I might not get home until late, so you can go ahead and get delivery for dinner." Yor hums. "All right." As Loid leaves, the girls all wave goodbye at him.

Later, Loid arrives at a large photo booth on the side of a building. The walls are wooden and the only thing that resembled a door was a small grey curtain.

Loid gets inside and sits down on the chair inside quickly. He inserts a coin into the slot and the camera screen lights up to show his face. He makes the same calculating face he makes when he's at work and the floor along with the seat lowers with a rumble. The chair goes away and the area turns to a makeshift elevator.

Loid reaches to the bottom where a lobby with small trees stand underground. Over the other side of the room, a beautiful woman with a black hat sitting on top of her soft brown hair cascading down her shoulder. Her lips in a shade of red forms a small smile while her eyes open to reveal grey eyes behind her silver-colored glasses. "Good day... or perhaps good evening, Agent Twilight." Loid takes his hat off and goes up to the desk the woman is behind. "Hello, Handler. What's this about?"

Handler tilts her head down. "Before we get into that..." She sharply turns to face to show that she is so angry, a tic mark is pulsing on her cheek. "WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE ALL THOSE EXPENSES THE OTHER DAY?! A CASTLE RENTAL FEE, AND RENTAL FEES FOR FURNTITURE TO GO IN SAID CASTLE?! AND A MOPED ON TOP OF THAT? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?! YOU THINK WE'RE MADE OF MONEY?!"

Without much remorse, Loid holds out more pieces of paper. "Oh, here's a couple more bills, actually. Going to school is apparently very expensive."

The woman is immediately calm and sighs. "I have to admire the balls it takes to just casually hands me more bills." Loid hands the bills out further from him. "Well, they're all necessary expenses."

The woman snatches the bills and stands up. "Very well. Anyway. I'm here to brief you on phase two of Operation Strix. Though you're usually on the ball, so that may not be necessary."

Loid looks to the side with a nervous look on his face. "Well... I may actually be off my game lately."

The woman ignores that remark and continues. "Phase two requires a social gathering. Before we get into the details, let's review how Eden works. Eden college. There are around 2,500 students  ranging from the ages of six to nineteen, and the curriculum covers all thirteen years. Academic, sports, the arts... they offer a top-class education in every field."

"The students who manage to shine brighter than their fellow elites are the honor students known as the Imperial Scholars. The social gathering that Desmond attends is only open to Imperial Scholars and their parents. In order to become an Imperial Scholar, a student must earn eight merits known as 'Stella'. Stella stars are awarded for exceptional grades and contributions to society. Due to your eldest getting the highest score, there is no doubt that she will receive one for it. But that also means you have to raise your girls into honor students. You may use underhanded means in necessary. On the other hand, poor grades and bad behavior will result in demerits called Tonitrus Bolts. When a student receives eight of those, they will be immediately expelled, so be aware of that."

Loid nods as the woman goes on. "Now let's work out the finer details."

Turning them into an honor student... hello, anxiety, my old friend.

"Since we can't rely on you to watch the girls while in school, we were able to sneak in our two youngest spies under the ruse that they're transfers from a prestigious school from America."

At that, the door opens and Loid turns to see two young people walk in. He recognize both of them right away for different reasons. One of them was the young man that worked at the castle, acting as one of Franky's minions. Like before, he stance screamed that he was holding his excitement. The other agent however, that made him smile in recognition. 

"Luna. I haven't seen you in a while." Loid greets the short girl. the side of her blue bonnet eyes with a ring of green circling her pupils crease as she returns the smile. She bows down to have her face covered by her soft dirty blonde hair. The freckles on her extremally pale skin seemed to have increased the last time they met. "Happy to see you doing well, Twilight. Agent Rider and I will be going in as last years, due to us being nineteen. We'll see to it that nothing happens to them on our watch." Rider only nods in a stiff manner, his cheeks a fiery red like before. He called himself lucky that he was able to help not one, but two of his idols.

"Well, thank you guys so much. It will be of great help." The two nod and leave the room to leave Loid and Handler alone once again. "Twilight." Handler says, gaining Loids attention. "There's another thing. It's about Mesanychta." This gains the agent's interest. "With more information gathered, we have concluded that they are deemed a potential asset. Our research made us find out of how she gained these...unnatural abilities. With what we found, we must find the people responsible for this. They are the threat... to us and them."

Loid nods, he knows not to question his organization. "Actually, I may have something on them." He then proceeds to tell Handler what he knows about the vigilante. Handler smiles. "They are a kind person. Well, we'll see to it that no harm comes to them. You worry about what to do with your girls. Now, let's move on.

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