Time for another test

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Dad looks to us, his face hard with determination "The time has come." He looks to us with a focused look. "Let us check our personal effects."

Mom rummage through her purse and nods. "All clear, sir." Dad hums/ "And now, our appearances." Mom inspects us closely, making sure nothing is out place. She finishes with Anya and looks up to Dad. "All clear, sir."

Dad then looks down to Anya and I. "And a final check of our verbal etiquette. Anya tenses up. "All set, please. Will do my best, please!" dad looks to me, and I speak up. "I am ready as well, father. Shall we get going?"

Dad nods at this, not allowing himself to smile.

I feel nothing but anxiety about this, but we've done everything we could.

Dad opens the door and looks to us. "Now, onward... to Eden's College's interview!"

Later we arrive to the college, and we all stare in wonder at the entrance. "It's so big!" Anya shouts. "Well, it is one of this country's top schools. And there are so many examinees... they're all our rivals." Dad looks down at us. "You girls going to be okay in this crowd?"

Anya nods. "I'll be okay, please." Dad nods and holds his hand to his hat.  "Let's go then."

This feeling... there's no doubt about it. I've experienced this many times.

As we walk further into the college, the hair on my neck stands up. I stop myself from moving my head around to gain unwanted attention, but my eyes fly from one place to another. I look over to Dad and sees that he's looking around, too.

Someone is watching us. Could it be... is there an enemy hidden in this crowd?

Anya looks up to Dad. 

An enemy?

Mom looks around, her head turning to the side.

I feel someone's gaze.

Dad keeps his pace, not changing his pace or look on his face. 

No, that's not it. I'm not the only one being watched. It's always an unpleasant feeling to be observed like this.

My eyes snap to a passage above us. "Dad, up there." He hums, letting me know he sees what I see.

She notices this too, and she caught sight of them before I did. Four in the overhead passage. Four in the bell tower. More in the buildings to the left and right. I have information on most of the staff at this school. Those... are the instructors. They are observing every action thar everyone is taking and scoring them to see if they're worthy of this school. Which means... the exam has already begun.

Dad talks in a low voice. "I need you three to be on your guard. We're being watched by the examiners. "We all nod as Dad continues. "We'll do it just like we practiced."

3rd POV

"D-86, fail." A man mutter, writing on his clipboard. "A-12, fail." A woman notes. "G-114, pass." Another person joins in. A figure walks to the window catching some of the examiner's attention. "I must say, the examinees this year lacks refinement. They all lack true elegance."

The figure reveals to be a tall man dressed in fancy suit. His silver hair is held in a ponytail, matching his beard that go down as spikes on each side of his mouth. His sharp brow holds his monocle in place. Behind in, many adults are bowing down to him.

"Good morning, Housemaster." The group of people greet the man. The Housemaster huffs. "It displeases me to know their crude feet are trudging upon the blessed ground of our school." He glares down at the families. "Elegance creates tradition. Elegance is what truly makes this world a paradise. Fail any family lacking elegance immediately." The man beside the Housemaster bows. "Yes sir."

Something catches the silver haired man's eyes. "Hm?" He takes out hos opera binoculars and uses them to look closer. "Oho..."

There, he looks at the Forger family, all walking with dignity. "It appears that not all hope has been lost." The family stops, looking up to a statue nearby them. Suddenly, they get in front of the statue and put their left hand to their chest. The father takes of his hat and holds it with his umbrella. "They are paying their respects to the statue of our founder?!"

I, Twilight, am a man of a thousand faces. Becoming exactly the person my target wants me to be is mere child's play. Behold!

I haven't the slightest clue as to who this gentleman is, but everything should be fine as long as I do what Loid is doing.

If I am correct, this is the founder who was able to educate children despite being shunned by his people. Such an outstanding role model.

Baldy baldy baldy!

"Elegant." The man takes a step back. "That was very elegant indeed! How very elegant!" The Housemaster looks back to his assistant. "Who is that family?"

The man reads the list. "K-212. They are the Forgers, sir. Their daughter Anya just barely passed the written exam with a score of 31. The oldest, y/n, is the child going for the transfer. She got the highest score on her test." He pulls out the test paper and the Housemaster examines it.

"The youngest is absolutely not elegant! And such awful penmanship! The eldest, however, has perfect handwriting. And she wrote in perfectly legible cursive." The man coughs in his hand. "So, the father has remarried?" A man speaks up in thought. "Might they be an impromptu family for admission purposes?"

The Housemaster hums. "I am not certain. We must investigate. We must ascertain whether or not they have true elegance."

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